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Op-Ed: The Obama Domino Doctrine: Pro-Iran/Anti-Saudi


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Published: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 5:35 AM

Obama has his own Domino Doctrine for the Muslim world. As a consequence of this doctrine, Obama’s Iranian Nuclear policy can be summed up as “full of sound and fury, signifying nothing” and Saudi Arabia is in even more danger than Israel.




Mark Langfan


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Remember, for one second, in January 2011, before even a dozen demonstrators were killed, a small herd of camel-riding Mubarakists rode into Tahrir Square trampling some protesters underfoot, and Obama immediately flew into an apoplectic rage, gliding close to personally claiming that Mubarak was a war criminal for attacking peaceful "democratic" demonstrators.

But in February 2012, after Assad has murdered over 10,000 Sunni mostly totally unarmed civilians by lobbing barrages of multiple rounds of artillery into Homs, why is Obama all but numbingly silent in-between his own barrages of multiple rounds of 18-hole golf?

The reason: the US President Obama has artfully and silently pivoted US Middle East Policy from a Pro-Saudi, Anti-Iran paradigm to a Pro-Iran, Anti-Saudi imperative.

Crazy you say? The Dubai Police Chief Dahi Khalfan Tamim, attending at a recent Gulf security conference with US diplomats, “undiplomatically” for over 18 minutes calmly stated, in essence:

1) “US Policy is the Number One threat” to the Gulf States;

2) America “has realized the dreams of Iran in Iraq;”

3) the US has “adopted the path and ideology of Khomeini;” and

4) the US “is no longer an ally” of the Gulf States.


....Obama’s one act which symbolically crystallizes the essence of what has been, is, and will be the Obama Doctrine is Obama’s very first act as US President. Obama’s first act was he formally and publically returned the bust of Winston Churchill to Great Britain that had long adorned the Bush Oval Office.

Obama viscerally rejected Churchill’s White House presence because it was Winston Churchill and his “Lawrence of Arabia” generation of British foreign establishment that, in effect, had “divided and conquered” the Muslim Ummah, and empowered the balkanized Sunni “elite” kingdoms at the expense of the Shi’ites and the Ottoman Empire. While empowering the local Sunni Kingdoms, Churchill disempowered a possible unified Muslim Caliphate, and the Shi’ites.

At core, to Obama, Lawrence of Arabia wasn’t a heroic liberator of Arabia, but a villainous enslaver of the Ummah. To Obama, the Churchill’s very Middle East “borders” themselves are colonial vestiges which divide and enshackle the Muslim Ummah and prevent it from achieving its true greatness and superpower status on a par with the EU, the US, China, and Russia.

Consequently, Obama, from day one of his US Presidency, has been the first anti-Winston Churchill US President. The Obama Doctrine is “Whatever Churchill did, Obama would, and will, undo.” Churchill empowered the Sunnis, Obama will dispossess the Sunnis. Churchill created Israel, Obama will dismember Israel.


With the Obama Doctrine, Obama’s entire foreign policy makes sense: It explains why Obama toppled Egypt, Saudi Arabia’s key Sunni ally. In a heartbeat, Obama rendered Egypt permanently paralyzed to assist the Saudis against Iran. As a result, Obama made the Saudis feel warm and fuzzy after the Mubarak betrayal by “selling” them 50 gazillion dollars of US weapons - that will be delivered a decade after Iran gets and uses its nukes, and successfully attacks Saudi Arabia’s Eastern/Persian Gulf oil fields that hold 95% of Saudi’s oil.

In accordance with this doctrine, Obama obliterated the Sunni Qaddafi with hundreds of million dollar Tomahawk missiles, deleting the precious cache of Tomahawks (for possible use against Iran) where there was a truly heavily armed Libyan opposition who could fight for themselves and instead left an absolute Islamist maelstrom wrapped in chaos enveloped in bedlam and mayhem. As a result, Obama has mutely watched well over ten thousand Syrian Sunnis be massacred by Iran’s Shi’ite handmaiden, Assad, and hasn’t even shipped in one 5 kilometer range anti-tank weapon that would easily spay Assad’s rampaging tanks and artillery.





Go here for a great synopsis, pix & vids, check out DougRoss@Journal here:




Posted this in Coffee Shop, but it deserves a second look. This is why:


In conclusion, Obama is actively "democratically" toppling all U.S. Middle East allies, and soon a nuclear-armed Iran will control 70% of the World's Oil Reserves, charging $500 a barrel for oil.


Time 12/02/2008: Baghdad Scuttlebutt: Pssst! Obama's a Shi'ite



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