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WOLF: Is this still America?


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is-this-still-americaWashington Times:

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction,” warned the late President Reagan. It’s probably a good thing the Gipper hasn’t been forced to witness what the current generation of authoritarian rulers has done to the land of the free and home of the brave.

Public schools in San Antonio have installed video cameras, not to monitor for foul play or intruders, but to spy on kids’ eating habits. Federal food police in North Carolina have begun confiscating preschoolers’ homemade lunches because they didn’t meet U.S. Department of Agriculture guidelines. Aghast parents have noted that one 4-year-old’s confiscated lunch of a turkey and cheese sandwich, banana, potato chips and apple juice sounds more nutritious than the state-provided chicken nuggets. But that entirely misses the point. In America, parents are free to give their kids pizza and pudding with Twinkies and Twizzlers, and the government has no right to intrude.

Under the sweeping powers of Obamacare, the state has forced Catholic institutions to choose between their God and their government by demanding that they violate their own beliefs and provide birth control to their employees. Their insulting rationalization? Most Catholic women are bad Catholics and don’t follow the teachings of the church anyway. What’s more, the government has deified itself to determine which organizations are Catholic enough to be exempt. What’s next, mandated pork-chop night at the synagogues? Bacon should be a right.

Brace yourself; I’m just getting warmed up.Scissors-32x32.png

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Reagan warned of freedom lost: “We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States, where men were free.”


At first I thought it was Wolf Blitzer, not Dr. Milton R. Wolf

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What a great article....and a superb quote from President Reagan. I would, if I could alter time, arrange a sit down for four hours between President Reagan and the once proud leader of the conservative right.

Perhaps, in that four hours, that leader - who declared they would not seek the office of President because of "family" issues...could be made to understand. There are battles, there are causes, that are above family. And if so, they should be fought and won not in spite of family, but because of them.


Ah well, neither Einstein nor myself can control time. We must fight with what we have. What is frightening, is looking at "the very best" the right has to offer this country to stand against the stain and his regime....to reverse the tide....to defeat the evil....to vanquish the federal dragon. This war is going to take a hero of at least President Reagan's stature to lead the conservative army.


And look at the clot of rino candidates in the field!!!!


We, my friends, are in serious trouble....the the stain and his regime know it.

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Welcome to TRR!


And yes indeed, we all agree here that



We must fight with what we have. What is frightening, is looking at "the very best" the right has to offer this country to stand against the stain and his regime....to reverse the tide....to defeat the evil....to vanquish the federal dragon. This war is going to take a hero of at least President Reagan's stature to lead the conservative army.

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