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Road to Road Island


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road_to_road_island.htmlAmerican Thinker:

This week the White House website announced that the Vice President was traveling to "Road Island," an error typical of the many risible illiteracies that regularly appear there, and of the inattention to detail that is the hallmark of the credentialed moronacracy that is this Administration.

Biden's trip to the Ocean State was to announce that Governor Linc Chafee was going to be one of the almost three dozen co-chairs of the Obama Campaign.

Surely you remember Linc. He's the fellow the NRSC (National Republican Senate Committee) gave money to in connection with his failed bid at re-election as Senator. He was ranked No. 1 RINO by Human Events at the time and he was not even bound to support President Bush's judicial nominees in exchange for the Committee's considerable support.

Others on the Obama campaign committee include actress Eva Longoria whose strategic input will I'm sure be invaluable -- though I doubt any suggestion by her that the Committee be renamed "Desperate Democrat Housewives" will fly even with these folks. Linc and Eva will be joined, too, by Loretta Harper, a Nevadan high school counselor who has proudly acknowledged giving 100 high school kids extra credit when they volunteered to help Obama.

There was much more evidence of the Administration's inattention to important details from small to large matters. Hoping to win over Irish voters, the Obama campaign produced O'Bama T-shirts with four leaf clovers instead of shamrocks. Just the thing to swing the Irish vote.

The Administration's errors are as evident this week in large matters. Light Squared comes to mind, where, had it not been for some brave men like General Shelton who resisted White House pressure and objected to the Administration- propped up LightSquared, the FCC would have put in place their product which was incompatible with existing GPS guidance systems:

Based on the test results and analysis to date, the LightSquared network would effectively jam vital GPS receivers," General William L. Shelton, commander of U.S. Air Force Space Command, told the members of the House Subcommittee on Strategic Forces. "And to our knowledge thus far, there are no mitigation options that would be effective in eliminating interference to essential GPS services in the United States."Scissors-32x32.png

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