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The Obama Obfuscation Alliance


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the_obama_obfuscation_alliance.htmlAmerican Thinker:

When faced with an issue they do not care to discuss the Obama administration is doing what any adolescent would do -- change the subject. With the usual co-operation of the mindless mainstream media, the Obama administration is doing all it can to shift attention and obfuscate its economic track record. Thus, in reaction to the uproar over the recent unconstitutional ObamaCare abortion pill, sterilization and contraceptive mandate, they are promoting the inane notion that the Republicans are determined to deny women access to contraceptives.

This threadbare ploy is an absurd plot to portray conservatives as knuckle-dragging Neanderthals out to kidnap women and force them back to the evil days of the Dark Ages. It is not just the abject silliness of this contention, but that these so-called best and the brightest actually think this gambit will bear fruit among the women of America, whom they perceive must be really stupid and gullible. So, who are the sexists?

When confronted about the state of the economy, the same Obama Obfuscation Alliance (the mainstream media, the Democratic National Committee and the Obama re-election machine) regurgitates the transparent assertion that the Obama team was kept in the dark about how dire the economic situation was when "the chosen one" became President. That is quickly followed up with the contention that no president in the nation's history has worked with more resolve, despite the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, to save the country from the hopeless quagmire those evil Republicans and greedy capitalists created.

However during the 2008 campaign, Obama and his teleprompter often claimed this was the worst economy since the Great Depression and in speeches just after his inauguration he never failed to remind the American people that he inherited the worst economy since the Great Depression, and he would rescue the economy as well as create untold millions of jobs along with lowering the sea levels.

This same Alliance is incensed when anyone suggests this administration has not been truthful and diligent -- downplaying the vacationing, partying, incessantly campaigning and having a general good time while living in a rent-free mansion and traveling in a really nice personal airplane. All the while bemoaning how the fates were conspiring against him.Scissors-32x32.png

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