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Leni Riefenstahl: Congratulations on the HHS Regulations


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leni_riefenstahl_congratulations_on_the_hhs_regulations.htmlAmerican Thinker:

Memo: From Leni Riefenstahl

To: President Barack Obama

Schatzi, it's been over a year since I last wrote you. Please forgive me. It's been so hot here I can barely stand to touch the keyboard. Not that I don't appreciate the green energy projects you funded to cool off this place, but dear, you know even with the trillions you spent, those projects just keep going under. Yes, I know it helped put billions in the pockets of your donors, but hell is not freezing over you know and we could use energy for the air conditioners.

Anyway, I forced myself to endure the scorching temperatures and pitchforks to congratulate you on those brilliant HHS regulations forcing people to fund insurance coverage for abortions, sterilizations and birth control against their consciences.

Darling Adolf just loved to do that sort of thing. Remember -- are you old and well read enough to remember? He figured out that if he could get people to operate against their conscience on small things, big things like Judenrein would be easier. Of course, that was just a start.

Martin Bormann said it just right: "National Socialism and Christianity are irreconcilable." For the party to rule, he said the Churches' influence in the leadership of the people "must absolutely and finally be broken." He was taking about the Nazi party, but heavens, Democrats, Nazis -- state control is state control.

So, this move by your Administration is just a great first step. You had all the social justice crowd in the church supporting you ,and now those wicked bishops -- how many divisions do they have anyway? -- had to step in to try to put a stop to this.

Well, the match is set.Scissors-32x32.png

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