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Boehner defends payroll tax deal


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Washington (CNN) -- House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, defended Wednesday the decision to move forward with a roughly $100 billion payroll tax cut extension that is not paid for, arguing that it was the only way to prevent a tax hike.

"We were not going to allow Democrats to continue to play games and cause a tax increase for hardworking Americans," Boehner told reporters on Capitol Hill. "We made a decision to bring them to the table so that the games would stop and we would get this worked out."

Congressional negotiators reached a tentative agreement Tuesday to extend the payroll tax cut and unemployment benefits while avoiding a fee cut for Medicare doctors, according to multiple legislators and aides.

The payroll tax cut, a key part of President Barack Obama's economic recovery plan, has reduced how much 160 million American workers pay into Social Security on their first $110,100 in wages. Instead of paying in 6.2%, they've been paying 4.2% for the past year and two months. The break is worth about $83 a month for someone making $50,000.

"I'm glad to see that Congress seems to be on the way to making progress on extending the payroll tax cut so that taxes don't go up on all of you," Obama told a crowd in Wisconsin Wednesday afternoon. "It will make a real difference in the lives of millions of people and as soon as Congress sends (the bill) to my desk, I will sign it right away."

Boehner said he expects a vote on the measure this week.



Boehner got outmaneuvered?

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Operation Cojones. Gayle Nyberg's excellent idea -- send John Boehner some balls


Sample of letter:


Operation Cojones An Outreach to Speaker Boehner


Speaker Boehner,


I have become increasingly frustrated of late, as you seem to lack the necessary courage and fortitude to pursue any number of actions that would lead the Congress to stopping the illegal and unconstitutional actions of this President. Recognizing that perhaps your time in Washington has either removed or dramatically shrunk those essential apparatus from whence much courage and boldness spring, it is my humble hope that you will accept the enclosed prosthetic replacements for your own natural ones that clearly have atrophied to uselessness. Please take these tokens and keep them in your pocket and at any time you feel the urge to cave in, cry, or give yet another pass to this budding tyrant, just reach into your pocket and caress these substitutes so you might be comforted in knowing you now have a big fuzzy pair.


Hope this helps.


Yours truly,







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