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Remember when no one understood why ABC asked about contraception at the NH Republican debate?


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remember-when-no-one-understood-why-abc-asked-about-contraception-at-the-nh-republican-debateLegal Insurrection: William A. Jacobson



Remember when George Stephanopoulos, at the New Hampshire Republican debate on January 7, brought up and harped on whether the candidates thought states could ban contraception?


Everyone, at least on our side of the aisle, shook their heads in disbelief as to why Stephanopoulos was bringing up the issue. There was no active controversy over contraception, it wasn’t in the news, and there were far more pressing political issues, yet what seemed like an eternity of debate time was devoted to the subject at the insistence of Stephanopoulos.







Well what do you know, about a month later the Obama administration proposes administrative rules under Obamacare which would require free contraception be provided even by religious institutions which oppose contraception on religious grounds.



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"Hmmmmmmm. Stephie must have attended that meeting, or been in touch with his friends at Media Matters" or on a date with Brock..




Is an amazing co incidence though blink.png

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Dick Morris Accuses George Stephanopoulos of Being a 'Paid Democratic Hitman'



DICK MORRIS: Obama did not make a mistake in this mandate. It’s a deliberately calculated move on his part.


The Democrats realize that abortion is no longer a winner for them. It used to be ten points more pro-choice than pro-Life, now it’s ten points more pro-Life than pro-choice possibly because of the publicity of the anti-abortion people, possibly because of the aging of the population. But the point is that it’s a loser issue. So what they’re trying to do now is replace it with contraception.


So the first piece of evidence was after Santorum won Iowa, the first controversy was, “Do you think states should have the right to ban contraception?” Where did that come from?


Then you remember that ABC debate with that paid Democratic hitman George Stephanopoulos went after Romney trying to…


MORRIS: Under orders. And I think, and now he comes out with this thing on contraception. They want to create the idea, and it’s no coincidence, that he came out with it after Minnesota and Colorado which was Santorum’s victories. They want to create the impression that the Republicans will ban contraception, which is totally insane, but they’re floating it out and they’re bringing it out there. And this move on Obama’s part was part of injecting that issue.

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Republicans have no desire to regulate your birth control options.. the methods in which they are paid and by whom...big issues.


You can buy condoms anywhere.

You can pay $5-$20 a month at a planned parenthood facility for birth control methods. No employer should have to pay for that. You own that. You owe that committment to your own future. If you are not in a position to have children. Don't.


Abortion is not a birth control option. Too late for that. That is not Planned Parenthood that is Child Elimination.


You take responsibility for your actions.


Yes. Oops happen.


Once that happens.....your choice changes. You now sustain life inside yourself and you have no right to take that away.


Oops in this case means a living spirit from the moment the sperm hits the egg. That is the beauty behind the whole wonderful process, isn't it?


How one thing from two people can collide and make life. That is incredible and sacred.


Think long and hard about this one. PP will pressure you to schedule a "termination", Please stop and think at this point.

Don't you owe that contemplation to that little spirit that you could be eliminating because you can't deal?


But, law of the land and all that.....not going to change based on the emotion that the "tissue" brings up.


Adoption is a choice.

Don't let them fool you that killing is the only way.


My son is 25 today because I hung up the phone on Planned Parenthood when their first question was, "Would you like to schedule an abortion?"

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Republicans have no desire to regulate your birth control options.. the methods in which they are paid and by whom...big issues.


A bigger question is, What business is it of the government in the first place.

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