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Access This


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access-thisAmerican Spectator:

The Obama administration's refusal to grant religiously affiliated institutions a waiver from Obamacare provisions requiring that they provide employees with health insurance covering contraception, the "morning after" pill, and sterilization procedures is an unconstitutional assault on one of this nation's most precious liberties.

But the debate over freedom of religion masks another critically important implication of the final rule approved by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen `Sebelius.


That issue is found in the language used by defenders of the indefensible rule. From White House Press Secretary Jay Carney: "We are committed… to ensuring that women have access to contraception without paying any extra costs, no matter where they work." Politico quotes a Democratic operative who says that it is extreme to "limit access to birth control because you work at a diocese-run nursing home." And Senator Barbara ("Don't call me Ma'am") Boxer trying, as usual, to sound threatening: "We support the right of women in this country to have access to birth control through their insurance policies, and anybody who stands in the way is going to have to deal with us and our friends."


Three separate far-left voices, one word repeated three times: "Access"


These radical social engineers don't actually mean "access," which, according to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, means "freedom or ability to obtain or make use of something." After all, nobody believes that birth control pills, which Planned Parenthood says are available for "about $15-$50 each month," would somehow be out of reach of many American women if not for a government insurance mandate. At least two types of birth control pills are available at Target pharmacies for $9 for a 28-day supply. Now that's access.


No, they don't mean access to birth control. They mean free birth control, as in paid for by taxpayers other than the person whose sex life requires such protection.Scissors-32x32.png

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