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The Delousing of a Movement


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the-delousing-of-a-movementAmerican Spectator:

WASHINGTON -- As the tents were coming down at McPherson Square, the dead rats and mice being retrieved, the urine and feces and filthy bedding disposed of by District of Columbia employees dressed in hazardous-materials suits like their contemporaries at Fukushima, I thought of the left-wing press. You see, I read the left-wing press. Not the urban throwaway rags, but I read the Nation, the Progressive, the American Prospect, and more -- I read them all. They have been raving for months about the exciting prospect of a great wave of reform coming out of the Occupiers' Movement. It was here to stay, and for a while silly old me took them seriously.

Not the "Masturbate for Peace" movement, which made its rude appearance in Madison, Wisconsin, nor the "Urinate and Defecate Against World Hunger" crowd, who occasionally made headlines in Manhattan. Rather, I mean the-out-of-work Ph.D.s in Romance Languages or the mild mannered, middle-class schoolteachers, who the left-wing press kept coming across midst the delusional rabble. The left-wing journalists interviewed them. To read their reports one would think that this Occupy Movement really was sweeping America, rather than on its last legs and being shut down. Their end was coming for very good reasons, I might add. The Occupy Movement was a health hazard, occasionally a serious crime scene -- rape, robbery, and mayhem -- and in most places throughout the country it was in contravention of simple laws against vagrancy.

Illustrious names from journalism's past -- even the New York Review of Books -- were showing themselves to be utterly out of touch with the way things are in America today with budgets so out of balance and economic growth so slight. Even President Barack Obama and other eminentoes from the Democratic Party sided with the Occupiers long after the Occupiers had discredited themselves. Now for the most part the Occupiers are no more. Yet the left-wing press raves on, and I suppose the mainstream media is complicit. This movement was more degenerate than they reported.

In the Progressive someone by the name of Naomi Klein attests, "I've never seen anything like this in my life. Every day, new occupations [sic] are growing, not just in this country. People are so excited to have a new tent in which to meet, and the possibility of it expanding limitlessly. Political courage is contagious." So, apparently, is hysteria.Scissors-32x32.png

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Even President Barack Obama and other eminentoes from the Democratic Party sided with the Occupiers long after the Occupiers had discredited themselves.


That's because OWS is the modern Democratic Party. You can connect the dots back to the Port Huron Statement, and Chicago 68


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