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Let Mrs. Obama Eat Red Velvet Cake


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let-mrs-obama-eat-red-velvet-cAmerican Spectator:

First Lady Michelle Obama leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Last week, the First Lady appeared on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno to cajole Leno to eat his veggies. For his trouble, Leno had to eat a slice of veggie pizza with zucchini and eggplant (yuck), baked sweet potato fries (well, at least he could dip them into ketchup), and an apple with honey from the White House garden. Leno could have stepped into a hornet's nest, but he was a good sport about it and ate his veggies like a scolded child.

I suppose that under those circumstances, it is usually better to respond with honey than vinegar. But sometimes beets can be effective. The First Lady admitted she had an aversion to beets, and Leno later surprised her with a plate of the red variety of beta vulgaris. Mrs. Obama enjoyed eating her veggie about as much as Leno did his. Well, if you don't want to join them, you can occasionally beet them.

Earlier in the interview, when the First Lady said that her mother and daughters had baked a red velvet cake for her birthday, Leno asked, "What is the calorie count?" To which Mrs. Obama replied rather defensively, "It's fine." Well, at 513 calories per serving, I'm sure it's quite fine. Whatever the caloric content, the red velvet cake was apparently special ordered rather than homemade. The First Lady's enjoyment of red velvet cake notwithstanding, much of the conversation focused on Leno's non-consumption of vegetables. She asked him, "How do you get your fiber?" and then turned to the audience and asked, "Don't you wonder?"Scissors-32x32.png

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