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Bachmann announces bid for 4th House term


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Hot Air:

Ed Morrissey

In the end, Michele Bachmann provided no surprises in her post-presidential bid path:


Bachmann won her last re-election bid against well-known Taryl Clark by twelve points, so redistricting is probably not a big concern for Bachmann. Minnesota’s Congressional allocation did not change in the last census, although it only narrowly avoided losing a district. The redistricting plan will likely shift the margins around a little, perhaps moving a few precincts of very liberal MN-05 (Keith Ellison’s district) into MN-06, but it’s doubtful that MN-06 will change dramatically enough to endanger Bachmann in 2012.


Some had speculated that Bachmann would run against Amy Klobuchar for the US Senate. Bachmann wisely understood that her strength in MN-06 does not translate statewide, a lesson that her predecessor Mark Kennedy learned the hard way against Klobuchar in 2006. Bachmann might decided to take on Al Franken in 2014, but for now she has a pretty clear path to return to Congress and continue being a representative for the Tea Party agenda. Expect Democrats to spend a lot of money in MN-06 for this reason, and expect it to be a waste of time, cash, and effort, as it was in 2008 and 2010.
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