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Newt's Third Law


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American Thinker:

Isaac Newton's Third Law is familiar to most of us. Simply put: " To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction."

This week Newt Gingrich showed that the laws of motion are equally applicable to media manipulation to favor Obama or any other Democrat candidate for office. Push him and he'll push right back.

The hint that public sentiment was shifting away from reliance on big government (and those that promoted it) came earlier in the week when Gallup produced a poll showing that American's "satisfaction with the size and power of the federal government is at a record low 29%.
Gallup indicated that this made big government a "highly susceptible " target for politicians this year. How does this fit into the Third Law of Motion? Simple. The dip in public faith in government I think began when the Democrats instituted the (now risible) charge that Bush's administration was a "culture of corruption." When it became clear to all but the most blinkered that this Administration working with the Pelosi and Reid's Congress was far more corrupt and remains so even with the loss of the House, public confidence in all government plummeted even further .

Obama's thrust is Big Government and making it even bigger than it already is. His allies in this have been the legacy media, which has for decades supported those Democrats who believe that central, powerful government, like that in the foundering Euro states, is the way to steer this ship of state.

To that end the media has distorted the public's view in every way possible. My first experience of this was the treatment afforded Adlai Stevenson and Dwight Eisenhower, If you are old enough to remember -- or well read enough to have learned -- the American press pictured Adlai Stevenson as a brilliant man and Dwight Eisenhower, the head of the European Theater of Command, an historic and monumental achievement, as a bumbling idiot. It was only well after the election that we learned that Stevenson had flunked out of his first year at Harvard Law School and the school's Dean had locked those records of that fact away. This press generated dichotomy -- of Democrats smart, Republicans stupid -- continues to this day. Obama, who demonstrates lack of the most basic knowledge or executive skills, is touted as an intellectual while Mitt Romney's considerable academic achievements are underplayed, for example.snip
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