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The Obama-Axelrod Class-Warfare Machine


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American Spectator:

Conservatives are upset with Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry for their criticisms of Mitt Romney and his work at Bain Capital. Some of the statements smack of classic left-wing class warfare -- heretofore the domain of liberals, Wall Street Occupiers, Barack Obama.

And yet, as some observers have noted, there may be a possible silver lining in this criticism: If Romney gets the GOP nomination, the harsh statements from Gingrich and Perry may be preparing him for the fusillade to come from Team Obama. This is truer than I think anyone realizes.
Here's the reality: Not only has Obama been pushing class warfare unceasingly for three years now, but his chief strategist, David Axelrod, has been employing precisely this tactic against Romney, well before Newt and Perry said anything.

Axelrod, of course, is the Chicago-based consultant who got Obama elected. He was the chief architect of Obama '08, right down to the very words "hope and change." The Los Angeles Times correctly called him the "keeper" of the message in an image-based campaign in which "message is everything." The New York Times dubbed him "Obama's Narrator." Axelrod honed the Obama image, got him elected president, and the changed this nation. Then, after two years as a presidential adviser, he went back to Chicago to strategize on reelecting Obama. "I have one campaign left," Axelrod told a reporter recently, "and it is going to be to try to elect a guy who I think is a great president."

Which dastardly Republican stands in the way? The leading candidate is Mitt Romney, who happens to be the candidate Axelrod and Obama want. Ax is slicing up Mitt for an Occupy Wall Street feast. He sees Mitt as a hunk of red meat for the Occupy movement, as the poster-boy for Wall Street greed.

This has been the plan for months.snip
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