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Taliban execute 10 more Pakistani troops


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Threat Matrix:

Bill Roggio

The Taliban executed 10 more paramilitary troops from Pakistan's Frontier Corps. From the BBC:


Last week, the Taliban executed 15 Frontier Corps troops after overrunning a fort in the settled district of Tank. The bodies were dumped in Miramshah, a stronghold of the Haqqani Network in North Waziristan [see LWJ report, Pakistani Taliban execute 15 Frontier Corps troops]. The Taliban have said they will soon release video of the execution.

While the Pakistani military and government have repeatedly claimed that the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan has been ejected from tribal agencies such as Arakzai, that the terror group's top two leaders are at each other's throats, and that the group is divided and demoralized, the group continues to demonstrate that it can mass forces in the tribal areas as well as in the neighboring settled districts of the northwest.

Remember as Ron Paul says we should have nothing to do with situations like this, none of our business.
Reason #542 why only an idiot would vote for Ron Paul.
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And our DOD in investigating a video of troops allegedly urinating on Taliban dead bodies. A bit of a disconnect there.


Well one has to have ones priorities straight, doesn't one?

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And our DOD in investigating a video of troops allegedly urinating on Taliban dead bodies. A bit of a disconnect there.


Well one has to have ones priorities straight, doesn't one?


As usual, you are right. I forgot we are in the 'Do nothing to embarrass our enemy' era.

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And our DOD in investigating a video of troops allegedly urinating on Taliban dead bodies. A bit of a disconnect there.

I searched through several back pages here and could not find a specific article so will post Rush's opinions here since they mirror my own.

Taliban Urinationgate and Vampire Movies

January 13, 2012

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RUSH: According to a report that I saw earlier today, we are not going to let this terrible peeing scandal stop us from negotiating the Taliban's takeover in Afghanistan. Some people are starting to call this Urinegate. "Taliban Says Marine Tape Will not Hurt Afghanistan Talks." Now, what does that say? You go back to the Bush years, we had the Abu Ghraib pictures and, "Oh, no, my God, that's the end of the US military. Oh, what a horrible country. Oh, gee, what a great terrorist recruitment tool. Oh, Abu Ghraib, that stupid Bush, oh, no, how horrible." Remember that? Remember when I said, "Ah, it looks like a fraternity hazing prank." But, oh, they got all over me on that. And the left used that to try to destroy the military and its credibility and the mission. You remember.


So now we have a videotape of some marines breaking the rules and taping it. It's curious why they did that, and now it's gotten out. Snerdley, which do you think is more offensive, a greater transgression: Abu Ghraib photos or the urination on corpses of the Taliban. Abu Ghraib far worse. Abu Ghraib far worse than urinating on Taliban corpses. I know we don't know when this happened. The details are sketchy. So as a discussion matter, we'll take it as it is. But get this Reuters story: "Taliban Says Marine Tape Will not Hurt Afghanistan Talks." Now, what does that tell you? What does that tell you?


All of a sudden you have something that, if they wanted to, the left could exploit as another Abu Ghraib. That goes without saying, Abu Ghraib blamed on Bush, why isn't this blamed on Obama? Nothing can go wrong. This will be blamed on the individuals, not Obama. When a president is Republican, everything that the government does is blamed on him. But the more important question here, the Taliban, those, according to the story, was their people who were dead who were the urinatees. And the Taliban says that that tape is not gonna hurt anything, we're not bothered by that. I'm simply asking, what does that tell you? (interruption) No. It doesn't tell us that they're tired of being hit by drones.


It tells us that they're winning and they're close and if they start raising hell about this, it's gonna delay the ultimate. Karzai is out there saying one thing or another. A senior member of the Afghan government's High Peace Council said, "Such action will leave a very, very bad impact on peace efforts." But the Taliban says, ah, not gonna hurt anything here. Taliban must think they're close to winning. Taliban must think they're pretty close to taking over Afghanistan. There are peace talks going on, and the Taliban must think that we're pretty close to surrendering it to 'em and getting out, and they don't want this to come along and stop that process and delay. That's how I interpret it. This would be my wild guess.


Obviously Urinegate will not interrupt the process of turning the country over to the Taliban. If they wanted to they could go after Obama. They could be out there saying that Panetta should resign. Where is CODEPINK? Where are all these anti-war groups? Where are these people who hate the military compared to way they were around at Abu Ghraib? You remember the fake stories about flushing a Koran down the toilet from Michael Isikoff. They wanted to frog march Bush and Cheney into jail over Abu Ghraib. Abu Ghraib was on the front page of the New York Times above the fold, get this, for 32 straight days. Urinegate, ah, what's the big deal? No big deal. We can't even pinpoint when it happened. We'll deal with it internally. Panetta gets away with talking about how outraged he is. He won't put up with it. Okay, fine, that's all we need to hear, let's move on, nothing to see here.

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And our DOD in investigating a video of troops allegedly urinating on Taliban dead bodies. A bit of a disconnect there.

I searched through several back pages here and could not find a specific article so will post Rush's opinions here since they mirror my own.

Taliban Urinationgate and Vampire Movies

January 13, 2012

All Audio & Video »




RUSH: According to a report that I saw earlier today, we are not going to let this terrible peeing scandal stop us from negotiating the Taliban's takeover in Afghanistan. Some people are starting to call this Urinegate. "Taliban Says Marine Tape Will not Hurt Afghanistan Talks." Now, what does that say? You go back to the Bush years, we had the Abu Ghraib pictures and, "Oh, no, my God, that's the end of the US military. Oh, what a horrible country. Oh, gee, what a great terrorist recruitment tool. Oh, Abu Ghraib, that stupid Bush, oh, no, how horrible." Remember that? Remember when I said, "Ah, it looks like a fraternity hazing prank." But, oh, they got all over me on that. And the left used that to try to destroy the military and its credibility and the mission. You remember.


So now we have a videotape of some marines breaking the rules and taping it. It's curious why they did that, and now it's gotten out. Snerdley, which do you think is more offensive, a greater transgression: Abu Ghraib photos or the urination on corpses of the Taliban. Abu Ghraib far worse. Abu Ghraib far worse than urinating on Taliban corpses. I know we don't know when this happened. The details are sketchy. So as a discussion matter, we'll take it as it is. But get this Reuters story: "Taliban Says Marine Tape Will not Hurt Afghanistan Talks." Now, what does that tell you? What does that tell you?


All of a sudden you have something that, if they wanted to, the left could exploit as another Abu Ghraib. That goes without saying, Abu Ghraib blamed on Bush, why isn't this blamed on Obama? Nothing can go wrong. This will be blamed on the individuals, not Obama. When a president is Republican, everything that the government does is blamed on him. But the more important question here, the Taliban, those, according to the story, was their people who were dead who were the urinatees. And the Taliban says that that tape is not gonna hurt anything, we're not bothered by that. I'm simply asking, what does that tell you? (interruption) No. It doesn't tell us that they're tired of being hit by drones.


It tells us that they're winning and they're close and if they start raising hell about this, it's gonna delay the ultimate. Karzai is out there saying one thing or another. A senior member of the Afghan government's High Peace Council said, "Such action will leave a very, very bad impact on peace efforts." But the Taliban says, ah, not gonna hurt anything here. Taliban must think they're close to winning. Taliban must think they're pretty close to taking over Afghanistan. There are peace talks going on, and the Taliban must think that we're pretty close to surrendering it to 'em and getting out, and they don't want this to come along and stop that process and delay. That's how I interpret it. This would be my wild guess.


Obviously Urinegate will not interrupt the process of turning the country over to the Taliban. If they wanted to they could go after Obama. They could be out there saying that Panetta should resign. Where is CODEPINK? Where are all these anti-war groups? Where are these people who hate the military compared to way they were around at Abu Ghraib? You remember the fake stories about flushing a Koran down the toilet from Michael Isikoff. They wanted to frog march Bush and Cheney into jail over Abu Ghraib. Abu Ghraib was on the front page of the New York Times above the fold, get this, for 32 straight days. Urinegate, ah, what's the big deal? No big deal. We can't even pinpoint when it happened. We'll deal with it internally. Panetta gets away with talking about how outraged he is. He won't put up with it. Okay, fine, that's all we need to hear, let's move on, nothing to see here.



There is a clown over at CGP who actually tried to make this connection. That urinating (or pretending to) on some dead emeies is just the same as shopping the heads off people. :wallbash:

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There is a clown over at CGP who actually tried to make this connection. That urinating (or pretending to) on some dead emeies is just the same as shopping the heads off people


But Valin to a certain mind set element of the population it is the same. The same folks who cannot see the difference between a 6 year old going bang with his finger and a 36 year old blowing people away with semi atomatic. Or a 6 year old being suspended for sexual harassment because he told a teacher she "looked nice" or a tree hugger lesbian (I saw) with coexist, peace stickers all over her Chinese owned Volvo. I could go on but.....

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It is being reported only by bloggers so far as I can see, that the leader of the Paki Taliban went to meet his virgins a couple of days ago. An America drone provided the transportation.

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There is a clown over at CGP who actually tried to make this connection. That urinating (or pretending to) on some dead emeies is just the same as shopping the heads off people


But Valin to a certain mind set element of the population it is the same.



I know...Oh Lord Do I know.



For the most part even though they are wrong the members there are not insane. There are however a couple of them who would fit in quite nicely at DU.

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It is being reported only by bloggers so far as I can see, that the leader of the Paki Taliban went to meet his virgins a couple of days ago. An America drone provided the transportation.




Long War Journal: Hakeemullah Mehsud rumored killed in recent drone strike[/urtl\


If it is true will I get in trouble for celebrating? Remember we should never express joy over he death of another human being..ever if they are a waste of genetic material.

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