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Will The Supreme Court Seal Our Nation's Borders?


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Investors Business Daily:

Border Justice: As the administration proposes unmanned border entry and halving our National Guard force on the border, the Supreme Court agrees to tackle Arizona's tough immigration law in an election year.

Arizona wasn't around when the original 13 states formed the federal government knowing there were certain things it could do best, such as the constitutional mandate to provide for the common defense and protect our borders.

National and border security involves not only deterring foreign armies armed with tanks, but also protecting our borders from an invasion involving ladders and pickup trucks. That, Arizona argued when it passed SB1070, the feds have woefully failed to do. So Arizona cloned federal law and said we'll do it ourselves.

Attorney General Eric Holder, who never met a memo he has read, started complaining about SB1070 as a discriminatory incarnation of profiling that usurped federal authority over immigration policy even before it was signed into law by Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer on April 23, 2010. He would later admit he hadn't even read the law he and the Department of Justice went to federal court to stop.

The Obama administration sued and a federal judge put what it considered the most controversial parts of the ruling on hold. In April a three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit rejected an initial Arizona appeal and refused to reverse the order preventing key parts of the law from being enforced.

The administration argument is that Arizona is usurping federal powers and that immigration is a federal matter. Arizona argues that the federal government is a creation of the states, not the other way around, and that in any event SB1070 is a copy of existing federal law. The feds under the 287(g) program have actually trained state and local law enforcement in many states and localities to do exactly what SB1070 authorizes.

This sets up an interesting 2012 scenario with two hot-button political issues — ObamaCare and border security — to be settled by the nation's highest court with major implications in the race to deny President Obama a second term.snip
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Geee! The plan of the administration,[ per the IBD article ] is to have Kagan recuse herself, ending in a 4-4 tie of the Supremes, which then makes the lower court ruling stand.


Progs use any way, to subbvert the other branches of government & remove the checks & balances of our Constitution.




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