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Attorney General Milo Minderbinder


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American Thinker:

It is a true pity that Joseph Heller, author of Catch 22, is no longer with us. He deserved the chance to observe his character Milo Minderbinder, come to life. Minderbinder is Heller's prototype of deceitful, arrogant authority gone so awry he undercuts the very reason for his post and its operations. I'm talking about our own Attorney General Eric Holder under whose watch arms were shipped to Mexican drug gangs, U.S. agents laundered the cartels' drug money, and hundreds of Mexicans and one -- perhaps two -- federal agents were murdered with the illegally sold guns.

Minderbinder's motive was money and he was blind to the dire consequences of his conduct to his fellow troops and country:

1st Lt. Milo Minderbinder: "What's good for M & M Enterprises will be good for the country."

Holder's motivation is still less apparent -- or at least it was until he appeared this past week after a late hour document dump days before. Those documents indicate, what others had long suspected: Our government -- in particular those agencies charged with enforcing drug and gun laws -- were violating those laws and destabilizing the area along the Mexican border, Mexico itself, and jeopardizing the lives of citizens and law enforcement agents in both countries -- seemingly in order to make its case that we need more gun control. Our lives are secondary to this administration's political agenda, an agenda which , in any event, would appear to violate the Second Amendment.

Less than a week before Holder's testimony, the Department of Justice, in an unprecedented move, formally withdrew a letter it had submitted to Congress on February 4 respecting the operation known as Fast and Furious. In that letter Assistant Attorney General Ronald Weich said: "ATF makes every effort to interdict weapons that have been purchased illegally and prevent their transportation to Mexico."

Some ATF agents -- and perhaps other whistleblowers whose identities remain unknown to us at this time -- established to Congress that that statement was in direct conflict with the truth. As he had to, Holder acknowledged that in future decades more people could be killed by the guns his subordinates deliberately let walk into the hands of drug cartels .

While a number of bloggers had early on voiced their suspicion that Fast and Furious had been undertaken to support the White House's anti-gun agenda, there was little direct proof of it. CBS' Sheryl Attkisson is to my knowledge the first to provide evidence in support of this logical supposition noting that emails in the most recent document pile showed ATF officials were using the weapon transfers they demanded as justification for new gun sale regulations they called "Demand letter 3."snip
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