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Obama Puts Class Warfare At Center Of 2012 Campaign


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Investors Business Daily:

The president of the United States came to Osawatomie, Kan., last week to deliver a speech of such fascinating awfulness future archeologists sifting through our civilization's rubble will surely doubt whether it could really have been delivered by the chief executive of the global superpower in the year 2011.

"This isn't about class warfare," declared President Obama. Really? As his fellow Democrat Dale Bumpers testified at the Clinton impeachment trial, "When you hear somebody say, 'This is not about sex,' it's about sex." Obama understands that "Wall Street," "banks," "fat cats," etc., remain the most-inviting targets and figures he can ride the twin steeds of Resentment and Envy to re-election and four more years of even bigger Big Government.

His opponents, he told us, "want to return to the same practices that got us into this mess ... And their philosophy is simple: we are better off when everybody is left to fend for themselves and play by their own rules ... It doesn't work. It has never worked."

He blamed our present fix on "this brand of 'you're on your own' economics." This is a deliciously perverse analysis of the situation confronting America and a fin de civilisation west.

In what area of life are Americans now "on their own"? By 2008, Fannie and Freddie had a piece of over half the mortgages in this country; the "subprime" mortgage was an invention of government. America's collective trillion dollars of college debt has been ramped up by government distortion of the student loan market.

Likewise, health care, where Americans labor under the misapprehension that they have a "private" system rather than one whose inflationary pressures and Byzantine bureaucracy are both driven largely by remorseless incremental government annexation.

Americans are ever less "on their own" in housing, education, health and most other areas of life and the present moribund slough is the direct consequence.

It would be truer to say that the present situation reflects the total failure of "you're not on your own" economics — the delusion of statists that government can insulate millions of people from the vicissitudes of life. Europeans have assured their citizens of cradle-to-grave welfare since the end of the Second World War.

This may or may not be an admirable notion, but, both economically and demographically, the bill has come due. Greece is being bailed out by Germany in order to save the euro zone but to do so requires the help of the IMF, which is principally funded by the United States.snip
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Obama understands that "Wall Street," "banks," "fat cats," etc., remain the most-inviting targets and figures he can ride the twin steeds of Resentment and Envy to re-election and four more years of even bigger Big Government.


His opponents, he told us, "want to return to the same practices that got us into this mess ... And their philosophy is simple: we are better off when everybody is left to fend for themselves and play by their own rules ... It doesn't work. It has never worked."


He blamed our present fix on "this brand of 'you're on your own' economics." This is a deliciously perverse analysis of the situation confronting America and a fin de civilisation west.


Wordless. :angry::blink:

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Obama understands that "Wall Street," "banks," "fat cats," etc., remain the most-inviting targets and figures he can ride the twin steeds of Resentment and Envy to re-election and four more years of even bigger Big Government.


His opponents, he told us, "want to return to the same practices that got us into this mess ... And their philosophy is simple: we are better off when everybody is left to fend for themselves and play by their own rules ... It doesn't work. It has never worked."


He blamed our present fix on "this brand of 'you're on your own' economics." This is a deliciously perverse analysis of the situation confronting America and a fin de civilisation west.


Wordless. :angry::blink:


You will note that "wall street", "banks" and "fat cats" have been absolutely silent during the harangue that they've been subject to. Perhaps this is because these same mountebanks have been the "o"s biggest campaign contributors and have had their donations returned 10 fold in the way of bail outs.

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