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Presidential Race 2012: Imperfect Conservatives Need Not Apply


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American Thinker:

The criteria embraced by the liberal media, Democrats, and some conservatives for selecting the 2012 Republican presidential nominee are quite clear: imperfect conservatives need not apply. Conservative presidential candidates must have been born yesterday, not having lived long enough to break any of the Ten Commandments, make a mistake, or say or do anything stupid.

However, in their short time on the planet, our conservative candidate, along with possessing a "perfect past," must display a masterful expertise of all topics foreign and domestic. Anything less means that our conservative guy or gal is an incompetent idiot.

Then there is the Reelect Obama Liberal Media/Democrat multi-headed dragon, which is committed to completely annihilating any Republican challenger -- the better to discourage all future challengers of liberalism. Our candidate is expected to flawlessly and masterfully battle this beast, winning every skirmish, lest we chorus that he or she is not quite presidential material.

Conservative presidential candidates unwilling to wear an "I heart Chaz" t-shirt are homophobic and vehement haters of homosexuals. Conservative candidates not having at least one Kanye West song in their iPod are white supremacist redneck Tea Party racists. Black conservative Republican candidates are obviously self-loathing traitors to their race suffering from Stockholm syndrome.

Meanwhile, the requirements for the Democratic presidential candidate are a bit less demanding. The liberal media's and the Democrats' candidate can hang out with self-proclaimed America-haters. Their candidate can say America has 57 states and mispronounce corpsman as "corpse-man" and still be considered a genius. He can travel the world bowing to foreign leaders and apologizing for America. He can wreck America's economy, hostilely take over a private auto company, cram government-controlled health care down our throats, bully banks, and funnel money to his supporters via government bailouts. A New York Times article reported that the Times's candidate has abandoned pursuing the white working class vote to target entitlement-minded, loser Occupy voters without anyone raising an eyebrow.

Liberal media and Democrats do not give a rat's rear end about the character of their candidates as long as those candidates further liberalism.snip
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American Thinker:

Conservative presidential candidates must have been born yesterday, not having lived long enough to break any of the Ten Commandments, make a mistake, or say or do anything stupid.


RON PAUL 2012! :rolleyes:



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