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Self-Reliance for Dunces


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American Thinker:

America is divided between those who think her citizens are helpless and stupid, and those who don't. People who need the direction and control of such bright lights as Nancy Pelosi and the folks who okayed the Solyndra and Fast and Furious fiascos, the apparatchniki of TSA , those who destroyed the housing market by jiggering the rules at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac stand on one side of the gap. On the other side are those of us who believe we are smarter than the political and media elites and, in any event, think the daily decisions of millions of free people acting in what they believe is their own self interest yields more satisfying outcomes than we get from top down fiats by blinkered cubicle rats, credentialed morons and politicians responding to the wants of connected crony capitalists.

The contrast was in bold relief this week.

(a) Democrats Embrace Freedom From Want of Free Diapers Movement

In Connecticut, worried that those whose financial situation has become so perilous (ironically as a result of failed government programs and actions), Democrats are trying to add to the list of ever expanding but invisible to constitutionalists rights, the right to free diapers. Dan Malloy, governor of the Nutmeg State has decreed Diaper Need Awareness Day with no sign that he recognizes how ludicrous a decree this is. Connecticut Congresswoman DeLauro (who like Michelle Obama is a very fashion forward dresser) has introduced a Diaper Act, stating she thinks a program to provide free diapers to the poor will stimulate the economy. I think this all takes the notion of Change We Can Believe In and free loads a bit too far. I listened to the great Congressman Paul Ryan this week, and I don't think he'll go along with the Connecticut scheme. Just in case in case I'm right and the Act doesn't get enough votes from those tight fisted Republicans in Congress, here's some very neat ideas on how to launder diapers. Consider this my first big self-reliance tip of the week.

To be sure, DeLauro's nonsensical view of how to stimulate the economy has a long history in her party. Seems like just yesterday we were promised that the passage of the huge spending bill ObamaCare would do what we are told diaper handouts would. It didn't work, and -- perhaps this is something we might keep from the opposition -- even their own base no longer believes that law will improve their situation:

Support for President Obama's health care reform law has reached an all time low, in part because of Democrats' diminished faith that the law will improve their lives, a new poll by the Kaiser Family Foundation finds.

Only 34 percent of Americans now support Obamacare, a 16-point drop from an all-time high of 50 percent in July 2010. A small majority of Americans, 51 percent, now say they oppose the law.

According to the survey, just 27 percent of Democrats say they will be better off under the law and 55 percent believe it will not impact them. Just last month those numbers were 43 percent and 38 percent, respectively.

I don't know if anyone has polled Americans on the diaper need awareness thingy but I 'm sure that if more of them learn about it the stampede to the exits from the Democratic party will only gain momentum.snip
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