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Hey, Occupy Wall Street: What, No Anti-Obama Signs?


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The Occupy Wall Street folks tell us to blame Wall Street for the nation's financial troubles. Notice the no-fly zone over President Barack Obama. Where are the anti-President Barack Obama signs or the verbal chants denouncing the President? Imagine the protests/sit-ins/rallies/mass marches on Pennsylvania Avenue -- not Wall Street -- if after two years of Republican White House leadership, America remained stuck on over 9 percent unemployment!

Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and President Barack Obama say they sympathize with the protestors. Of course, they do. After over two years of reckless spending, the inflationary printing of money, massive "stimulus" that failed to "save or create" 3.5 million jobs, green technology "investments" in soon-to-be-bankrupt companies whose investors donated to and raised money for the President's election and unpopular bailouts, the dismal results are in.

What to do?

Find a scapegoat -- provided it isn't Freddie, Fannie or the Community Reinvestment Act, the real culprits behind the housing meltdown. No, Wall Street will do nicely. Just keep Obama's name off the list of grievances:

"Greedy" investment bankers? Obama's second chief of staff, William Daley, previously worked as Midwest chairman for JPMorgan Chase. Obama's first chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, worked as an investment banker and pulled down $18 million in two-and-a-half years.

Bailouts? President Bush bailed out financial institutions, and Obama raised the ante, bailing out more companies, including GM and Chrysler.

Federal reserve? Obama reappointed Fed Chair Ben Bernanke.

Most Americans aren't buying the blame Wall Street nonsense.

One in three likely voters, according to The Hill, blame Wall Street, while 56 percent blame Washington. A USA Today/Gallup poll of all Americans found that 30 percent blame big financial institutions, with 64 percent pointing the finger at Washington. Thirty percent is still a frighteningly big number for such irresponsible scapegoating.

Yoko Ono, John Lennon's $500-million-net-worth widow, offered her support: "I love 'Occupy Wall Street'! John is sending his smile to 'Occupy Wall Street.' I am sending my love to 'Occupy Wall Street.' We are all working together. You are letting the world know that American activists are doing this. That gives them inspiration and encouragement. That is very important now for the United States and the world. As John said: 'One hero cannot do it. Each one of us have to be heroes.' And you are. Thank you. ..."snip
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