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Thursday, October 6, 2011-posted by AWD 4:02 PM


The Circus Maximus of Useless Waste-oids is in full force on Wall Street. The Soros engineered, made-for-MSM tv event has recently gained strength by the called-up labor union thugs. The union thugs have plenty of time on their hands since their “leaders” have killed the goose that laid the golden egg that was once called US manufacturing. Now, the formerly overpaid wrench-turners can rub shoulders with Generation iMoocher idjits armed with iPhones, iPads and iPods from the iBank Accounts of their iParents. What an insult all these iMoochers are to Steve Jobs! He was a man of genius and production who worked and sacrificed to create products that made life more efficient and enjoyable. This protest has created an unholy alliance of the unemployed union laborers that once worked for exorbitant, unsustainable wages and the Gen X moochers who are more than willing to do nothing in return for exorbitant, unsustainable welfare. Only in what was once America!
This is a parade of life’s losers. Not the pull-yourself-up-by-the-bootstraps types of Americans who built wealth rather than expecting it. These are the results of years of destruction of traditional American values. These kids grew up playing soccer where no team was allowed to lose, else someone’s feelings may be hurt. They were schooled on leftist doctrine that told them America was evil and corrupt. They were not allowed to fail or, again, their wittle self-esteems may be damaged. They were given cars, fine clothes, fancy electronics, etc. because their parents wanted them to have everything they didn’t have growing up. They went to expensive colleges and selected majors such as poetry and African-American Studies that have zero value in the real world. Now that they realize they are worthless bands of pathetic parasites, their only recourse is to steal more money from the dwindling producers in America.
The photo above pretty much sums up this protest of useless moochers. I’d like to respond to his cardboard sign. Hopefully, I won’t hurt his self esteem. I don’t know how I’d sleep with myself! Here goes:

OK, so you went to college and borrowed $87,000 and you could only warrant a job as a printer repairman? I don’t know who is more stupid! You, for wasting $87k when you could have learned the art of printer repair at night school for a hundred bucks or the government who wasted $87k of taxpayer money on an idjit like you!

There’s nothing wrong with cleaning bathrooms at the Ryans Steakhouse! Maybe, with hard work and showing up every day, you can one day be promoted to dishwasher. Then, after a year of busting suds, you might work your way up to cashier, or server. In time you might be a manager of your own Ryans Steakhouse. There is no shame of working, even as a toilet cleaner. Sure, you’d like to have your Park Avenue penthouse but that’s what happens when you go to college and waste your time (and our money) on a worthless BS degree. Decisions have consequences. Plus, the world needs toilet cleaners too. Deal with it!

So you live in your mom’s basement? Boo hoo hoo! I feel sorry for your mom, not you! Again, your decisions have forced that situation on both you and your mother. Have you thought about taking on a second or third job so you can afford your own place? Of course not! You’d rather sit back and bitch about the rich who didn’t make stupid decision and waste their time in college. Hell, many rich didn’t even go to college! Want to know their secret? They worked and sacrificed! I know, I know…what a bourgeois and outdated concept!
I see you are wearing a union shirt from Arizona. Did you actually work or did the local union thug give you the shirt for the march? If you worked and your job was sent overseas or to Texas, then ask your local union thug leader if maybe they shouldn’t have stuck his greedy hands so far up the butt of golden goose to where he strangled it? But what a fine pair you make in Manhattan….the looter and the moocher! Both losers!

Let a proud dad brag a little. My beautiful angry white daughter has just completed her fourth month of employment after graduating this Spring from a top-notch university. Did she major in Eastern 14th Century Philosophies? Hell no! She graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering. While Bruce was smoking doobies and listening to the @#&* Grateful Dead, my daughter was in the lab or library studying. Year after year, she worked her butt off to graduate in four years as one of the handful of women Chem E grads at her university. Oh, she also made time to be the saxophone section leader for the marching band during football season and pep band for the basketball team. The football team played in a bowl game and the basketball team went several rounds into the NCAA playoffs…taking more of her study time. Oh, and she also worked year round to pay her way through college. Guess where she is living? No, not her mother’s basement. She has a great job making an unbelievable amount of money for a 22 year old and owns her own house! If she had a cat, she could well afford cat food! My daughter is one huge reason why I don’t feel sorry for any of those slackers up in NYC!

Therefore, I name the entire clutch of worthless moochers in Manhattan as Libtards of the Week. They are as contemptible as they are useless. The only ones happy to see them protesting in New York are the desperate Democrats and Obama because it keeps the MSM focus away from Obama scandals like Fast and Furious and Solyndra.
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I'm left with this feeling....in reaction to the Arab Spring American Fall [aptly named] Wall street protests: Someone is going to go hungry in the rain & snow [which would be great for this weekend in NYC]......I pick you....because you don't want to work, you want it given; and I pick you.....you let your union destroy the marketplace with outrageous demands....enjoy your pity party!

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NRO: We Are the 99 Percent—Even Rich People

Josh Barro



A lot of liberal bloggers are drooling over the We Are the 99 Percent blog that is associated with the Occupy Wall Street movement. I actually find the blog pretty annoying. Partly that’s because because it is so heavy on complaints from people with college (and even postgraduate) degrees, a group that certainly is not bearing the brunt of the economic downturn. But the bigger problem is that the blog is based on a premise that is unhealthy not just for the left but for our political discourse as a whole.



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