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Michelle Malkin: How Obama Protects the Teamsters


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Barack Obama and Jimmy Hoffa are like Tweedledum and Tweedledee, Lady Gaga and hype, the "Jersey Shore" cast and hairspray: inseparable. The president can no more disown the Teamsters Union's leader than he can disown his own id.

At a Labor Day rally in Detroit on Monday before Obama spoke, Hoffa stoked anti-tea party hostility by urging his minions to "take these son of a b*tches out." (Botched grammar added that extra boost of street-gang authenticity to the labor lawyer's threat.)

The same civility police on the left who decry any references to crosshairs as incitements to violence are now mute about Hoffa's brass-knuckle rhetoric. The Chicagoans in the White House refuse to comment.

Those calling on Obama to condemn Hoffa's uncivil tone are deluding themselves. The 1.4 million-member Teamsters lifted Obama to power with a coveted endorsement and bottomless campaign coffers funded with coerced member dues. Over the past two decades, the union has donated nearly $25 million to Democrats (compared to $1.8 million for Republicans).

What quid pro quo protection has the Teamsters' money bought? Let us count the ways.

Back in May 2008, as he jockeyed with rival Hillary Clinton for Big Labor support, Obama promised to end longstanding federal probes into the Teamsters' mob racket. In 1989, the union was facing federal racketeering charges after Justice Department officials determined it was operating as a "wholly owned subsidiary of organized crime." The Wall Street Journal reported that Obama phoned several Teamsters heavies to convey his vow to begin dismantling the independent federal watchdog overseeing the Teamsters; an Obama spokesman confirmed it.
Teamsters reformers now consider the review board a "toothless mechanism," according to a recent article in the left-wing The Nation magazine. As one Hoffa critic put it, "You're so tied up into a corrupt culture. You have this culture of protecting each other."snip
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Geee! Saw this online:


Let's do lunch Jimmy!...............from Rico


Going beyond the bounds of reason even for Pol Pot or Chairman Mao, Jimmy Hoffa illustrates why the Left is overdue for an extinction event.


And when the pResident praises violence against a segment of the population [Hoffa's remarks] the line is openly crossed and impeachment is called for.

- Of course, the Congresscritters and media presstitutes will do their best to ignore this event in Detroit, and continue merrily raping what is left of the US. Most of these Commie wannabe's are cowards and participants in this class warfare.


Today's Democratic © Party under Soetoro-Obama is a criminal enterprise and a threat to the continued existence of the nation.


So, Jimmy Jr...what say we 'do' lunch?

- Soon



H/T:TheoSpark & Rico

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