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‘I’m sorry, it’s my turn’


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The Boston Herald:

‘I’m sorry, it’s my turn’
If Mitt’s supposed to be GOP nominee, someone forgot to tell Rick Perry

By Howie Carr
Sunday, September 4, 2011 - Updated 2 hours ago

You’re Mitt Romney, and this is how badly you want to be president — you’re going to a Tea Party event tonight in Manchester and tomorrow you’re flying to South Carolina to be with Sen. Jim DeMint, who’s never really been your ... cup of tea.

But this is what you have to do when you’ve been leading in the polls all year, and suddenly Texas Gov. Rick Perry jumps into the race and you’re behind by double digits, kicked down the stairs like you’re Tim Pawlenty or something.

You’re Willard Mitt Romney, and for the first time in your life, at age 64, you’re seeing first-hand, up close and personal, just how unfair life really can be.

Rick Perry! Why aren’t more people picking up on Gerry Doyle’s dead-on description of him — “Arlen Specter in cowboy boots?”
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Willard Mitt Romney? That is what's known as a low blow.


Low blow from his parents.....that really is his name.

It isn't too often that I read an entire article and at the end I have to ask myself,"WHAAAAA was that about?"


And besides, I wish the author would be a little more factual..it's 57 states.

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Willard Mitt Romney? That is what's known as a low blow.


Low blow from his parents.....that really is his name.



Well we learn something new everyday.

I was thinking of Bill "Willard" Clinton.

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Willard Mitt Romney? That is what's known as a low blow.



Valin! In fairness, for years, Howie has referred to M. Stanley Dukakis.

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Willard Mitt Romney? That is what's known as a low blow.


Low blow from his parents.....that really is his name.

It isn't too often that I read an entire article and at the end I have to ask myself,"WHAAAAA was that about?"


And besides, I wish the author would be a little more factual..it's 57 states.


Like the sauce? :lol:

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Here in Massachusetts, we appreciate what Mitt has done, but these items don't play well nationally, like getting Billy Bulger out of UMass.

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Wow. I think I like Mitt a whole lot more than Howie does. That seemed a bit harsh. And funny that the one thing people want back in politics is "civility" but they get someone who is civil and he ends up being the brunt of ridicule for it.


Oh well. I like Perry, but I instinctively distrust him and don't know why. I completely trust Mitt, but wish he was had a bit more of a sense of humor. The other day I was musing that I wished we could meld the two together when it dawned on me that GWB has already been president. ;)

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Polly, Mitt is a good man, but there are some things that he doesn't do well. We were burned by the Healthcare law, by his inaction on the Big Dig, and by the fact that he would not go to the mat for Kerry Healey.


As Governor, you can't take a decision that something is not your responsibility, which is precisely what he did about the Big Dig. Then when the woman was killed, it looked as though he was responsible. If instead he had sold the Big Dig or audited it, he would at least have started to stop the overspend. There were over $110 million in uninvestigated questionable claims. Even if only half were pursued, that would be a savings of $55 million right there.


The quote was that he had paid for the campaign in 2002 and it was his to decide. Which was true, so he fed Kerry Healey to an angry Christy Mihos. Christy was mad at Mitt and he let Kerry Healey take the onslaught, without any help from Mitt. We wound up with Deval Patrick.


In fact, in my recollection, Mitt did not campaign for any other Republican until after he left as Governor and lost as nominee to John McCain.


Mitt turned over a new leaf, but at the same time, it was enlightening that it took him so long.

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Mitt is in a bad spot as a Republican nominee this time around. The voters are looking for a conservative, and he just doesn't have the credentials. The R nominee for the 2012 race will have to prove to the party electorate that he/she is conservative enough to hold the base, while being able to move a little to the center for the general election. He just can't pull it off with his record.


That's the trouble with having a record to stand on......Obama was able to campaign as a far left Socialist in the Dim primaries in 2008, and then claim centrist during the general election. Since his only political record was 4 years of voting "Present" and 2 years as a U.S. Senator, during which he campaigned for president the entire time, he had no record for anyone to call him on.

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