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Flailing Obama in the Black Community


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Pajamas Media:

In aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Cornel West proclaimed, “[Hurricane Katrina] showed the unbelievable resilience [of blacks] in the face of crushing white supremacist powers.” This statement added to his already bloated legacy of race-baiting diatribes.

When he criticized blacks who achieved financial success based on meritocracy as the black bourgeoisie, he was applauded by blacks amenable to the idea of class warfare. West’s comments that those whom he identified as the “black bourgeoisie” had an obligation to fight for the 33 percent of black children living in poverty were also met with approval. His brick throwing at those he views as “financially privileged” black men made positively no sense whatsoever to those of us with sense, but to those who thrive on race as currency, it was a clarion call from the heavens that represented their mindset.

There was no shortage of applause or echoing of agreement for his despiteous condemnation of Dr. Condoleezza Rice as having sold her soul in order to assume the elevated status and position she held. In his mind, Dr. Rice’s hard work and mastery in her field has nothing to do with her accomplishments.

West claimed that President George W. Bush talked about God but had forgotten what West viewed as the primary tenant of Christianity, i.e., compassion and justice for the less fortunate. That ridiculously fallacious statement brought praise from an equally ignorant, epigonic black pastorate absent of biblical literacy.

His misplaced blame and misrepresentations of rapes (while husbands were forced at gunpoint to watch), murders, and beatings that allegedly took place in the Louisiana Superdome got him invitations to appear on top news programs — from Fox to PBS. Of course, he neglected to point out that, to the extent his assertions of such violence were true, it was black carnivores cannibalizing the weaker of their animal kingdom housed there in the aftermath of Katrina. His vivid recounting of dozens of people — most of whom were black, of course — he claimed had thrown themselves to their death garnered him praise for being willing to discuss the ugly truth that others avoided.

His view that the September 11 terrorist attacks “gave white Americans a glimpse of what it means to be a black person in the United States — feeling unsafe, unprotected, subject to random violence, and hatred for who they are” was echoed by Louis Farrakhan and Jeremiah Wright. I would argue that it sounded as though he were speaking of growing up in the Cabrini-Green housing projects or South Central Los Angeles.

He was one of the principle participants in the Million Man March and Russell Simmons’s Hip-Hop Summit. He was involved in black causes with Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan.

Tavis Smiley was extolled as being one of the people that President George W. Bush least wanted to be interviewed by because Smiley is widely viewed as being such a formidable interviewer.

Smiley was the toast of PBS and of the black illuminati when he was selected as the moderator of the Democrat Presidential Forum at Howard University in June 2007 — and then again for the Republican All-American Presidential Forum in September 2007. Smiley made it known in advance that, as moderator, he would focus his questions on race-based domestic issues because, after all, everyone knows that blacks are disenfranchised, disadvantaged, and in need of handouts and special dispensation for their years of suffering in post-slavery America.snip
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"Tavis Smiley was extolled as being one of the people that President George W. Bush least wanted to be interviewed by because Smiley is widely viewed as being such a formidable interviewer." I truly find that to be highly suspect. Tavis is as smart as Rev Al in my opinion.


Has anyone heard him whining about not getting a WH interview with his president? He is upset that even Fox has gotten an interview, but he has not.

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