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The Flash Mob Method of Scientific Inquiry


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The definition of hell is being condescended to by idiots. It will probably be MSNBC's Chris Matthews and Contessa Brewer sneering at you for all of eternity for not believing in evolution.

Roughly one-third of my 2007 No. 1 New York Times best-seller, "Godless: The Church of Liberalism," is an attack on liberals' creation myth, Darwinian evolution. I presented the arguments of all the luminaries in the field, from the retarded Richard Dawkins to the brilliant Francis Crick, and disputed them.

But apparently liberals didn't want to argue back.

Despite Matthews' obsessive fixation on the topic, manifested by his constantly asking elected Republicans if they believe in evolution, in a one-hour interview with me on "Godless" -- the very book that is chockablock with attacks on Darwinism -- Matthews didn't ask me a single question about the subject.

No liberal did. Matthews doesn't even know what evolution is.

Just a year later, at a 2008 Republican presidential candidates' debate, Matthews asked for a show of hands of who believed in evolution. No discussion permitted! That might allow scientific facts, rather than schoolyard taunts, to escape into the world.

Evolution is the only subject that is discussed exclusively as a "Do you believe?" question with yes-or-no answers. How about conservative journalists start putting mikes in front of liberal candidates and demanding, "Do you believe in the Bible -- yes or no?" "Is an unborn baby human -- yes or no?" and "Do you believe teenagers should have sex -- yes or no?"

This is the flash mob method of scientific inquiry. Liberals quickly surround and humiliate anyone who disagrees with them. They are baffled when appeals to status (which would work on them) don't work on everyone else.

Now that Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry has said there are "gaps" in the theory of evolution -- or "gas" as The New York Times originally reported, before issuing a correction -- we're in for another round of fact-free mocking of fundamentalist nuts.

In fact, however, it has not been advances in Christianity (which is pretty much settled), but in science that have completely discredited Darwin's theory of evolution.

This week, we will consider one small slice of the mountain of scientific evidence disproving this mystery religion from the Victorian age.snip
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From TVNewser, Contessa has lost her job.



"Contessa Brewer, who has been a fixture on MSNBC since 2003, will no longer be an anchor on the network, TVNewser has learned.


"For the last year-and-a-half Brewer has anchored the NoonET hour on MSNBC as well as hosting the weekend documentary series “Caught on Camera.” Her final daily newscast is tomorrow but she will continue to host “Caught” and work on other projects for NBC News and MSNBC."

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Good, Contessa was terrible in the show, anyways. She was as bad as her name is.


Ann herself has been a little too pro-Romney herelately for my tastes, but she does have a point here - where are these stupid "yes or no" questione ever asked to a Democrat? I'll never forget that debate in 2008 when some idiot told the GOP contenders to raise their hands if they believed in global warming . . . BARF!!!


Coulter's writing is back "on" again, I like it when she blindsides:


. . . I presented the arguments of all the luminaries in the field, from the retarded Richard Dawkins to the brilliant Francis Crick, . . .


like that.

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