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Black Privilege


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American Thinker:

One of my friends voluntarily attended an event recently, one that I wouldn't go to for a million bucks (well, maybe a million bucks). It was called Erasing White Privilege.

My friend, whom I'll call Andrea, sat in a room with other whites on one side, and people of color on the other. Then the whites sheepishly confessed any real or imagined offenses perpetuated against a person of color.

After the whites tried to atone for their guilt, the people of color got involved: yelling at them, preaching, and discharging much rage. Andrea's rendition of the events reminded me of those angerfests that were popular in the '70s.

Back then, people would pay to be in encounter groups, where they'd holler and smack each other with foam bats. The idea was that by releasing anger, everyone would feel better.

But guess what the research eventually found? By raging at another person (whether he deserves it or not), our anger doesn't dissipate; it grows. And the deleterious effects are not just emotional. Blood pressure rises and muscle tension increases, promoting hypertension and musculoskeletal pain.

But the studies don't matter; these days it's all about white guilt and minority rage. And the endgame isn't reconciliation and racial healing. We're living in a creepy age where revenge is the order of the day, where the left wants to seize power under the lofty guise of justice.

Personally, I have never had a moment of white guilt in my life. Now this is a significant statement given that I am Jewish and from New York. I feel guilty about pretty much everything!

But I feel guilty about what I do -- or don't do. If I inadvertently hurt a friend's feelings, if I am ill-mannered to a clerk, if I disappoint my husband, I can find myself drowning in a sea of guilt and shame.

But guilt because of the color of my skin? Guilt because some white person in 1960s Selma, Alabama refused to allow a black person into his restaurant? Guilt because while my relatives were being raped and pillaged in Russia, a small minority of white people owned slaves (as did, by the way, some free slaves)? I might as well feel guilty about the train wreck that is Casey Anthony simply because she and I share the same race, gender, and sexual orientation.snip
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I would like apologies from every evolution ideologue who has called me: delusional, a believer in myths, stupid, ignorant, bigoted and a few other terms, from every liberal libertarian who has called me homophobic ( simply because I believe marriage is ordained by God between a man and woman), from every feminist who has called me oppressed and enslaved because I choose to be called by my husbands surname and I do not believe a woman's right to her body gives her the freedom to use abortion as birth control. I could go on but makes me too angry and I have no one to yell at and shove but my husband and he's bigger and louder than me.

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I have no one to yell at and shove but my husband and he's bigger and louder than me.

Good thinking Little Missy!



BTW, I don't buy in to corporate guilt either... and especially when it's selectively used to promote leftist political dogma.

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