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Gay Men, The Democrats Reserve Army of Histronics


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American Thinker:

You may wonder why I, Righteousmomma, am posting this out of the blue. Well, today I heard from an "Independent" non gay/happily married hair stylist that Marcus Bachmann alerted his gay radar. That he "could be wrong" and then went on to explain about all these videos and pundits he had heard on MSNBC discussing the issue of Bachmann being a "closet gay" because he has a lisp and the way he held Michelle in a dance and yada yada. And that at least he is homophobic!
I had heard nothing of this so I spent an hour binging and googling and found that some guy named Dan Savage abetted by various "celebrities" had started this supposed expose based solely on their opinions. So here is the one article I found that speaks for me who has no idea whether Bachmann is or is not and could care less but do care about how people just accept denigrations such as "homophobe" because the target happen to have Christian standards and values:

Gay Men: The Democrats' Reserve Army of Histrionics
By Robert Oscar Lopez

In a Slate piece, June Thomas weighs in on the latest dirty politics, namely the rumor that Michele Bachmann's husband Marcus Bachmann is gay. Thomas is dismayed that Dan Savage used his podcast to humiliate Marcus Bachmann for his lisp:

To Savage's ears, it was a gay accent. Savage played the tape over and over, and reprised it several times throughout the podcast. He even did his own Bachmann impression, exaggerating the lisp and camping it up.

Stop for a moment, and let's ask why anybody would respect Savage at all. To be sure, Savage has editorialized in the New York Times and other respected papers on ex-gays, Mark Foley/Ted Haggard, Alan Keyes's daughter, and Larry Craig. His usual invective is aimed at any powerful person not allied to him whom he suspects of being gay or having gay relatives. Consider his classy missive to Cindy McCain: "It turns out my take on Cindy McCain's NOH8 video wasn't nearly cynical or bitchy enough."

He says extremely nasty things based on a chain of rationalizations. First, he assumes that gay marriage is an unquestionable absolute -- if you do not support it, you hate gay people. The notion that civil unions are a less emotionally exhausting route for progress, the concept that perhaps GLBTs can find other routes to happiness than a tradition that traditionally views them with distrust, or the simple belief that gender matters enough to make same-sex and heterosexual couplings different -- all these intellectual positions are shunted for bumper-sticker formulae.

Second, disagreement means a surrender of civility. Fail his shibboleths and he will respond with barbarity. If he finds out that there are same-sex tendencies in you or someone close to you, he will use the basest forms of anti-gay invective as a weapon against you, with help from Bill Maher, Jon Stewart, and Perez Hilton.

The two points above are open to revision if you are a Democrat who opposes gay marriage. Gay polemicists stated respectful critiques of Barack Obama and Joe Biden during the 2008 election cycle, while West Hollywood gays were busy lynching effigies of Sarah Palin, the one candidate who had used an executive veto to stop a state legislature from stripping away GLBT partner benefits.

Having done nothing to antagonize gays other than attend a Christian church and agree with Joe Biden, Sarah Palin was vilified as anti-gay. As Dan Savage goes, so goes the coterie. They make great scenes but very little sense, praising Barack Obama while damning Ken Mehlman once he came out of the closet, or, in the case of lesbian Jenny Stewart, celebrating the lesbian-dialing Howard Stern as "pro-gay" because he criticized right-wingers upon seeing Brokeback Mountain. Dick Cheney, Cindy McCain, and Laura Bush voiced support for gay marriage, yet through a strange tautology, Savagites define all Republicans as anti-gay.

Some GLBT folks have taken Savage on. Jasbir Puar took Savage to task in The Guardian, calling his view of gay liberation "narrow." Camille Paglia refused to accept his justifications of "out-of-control" tactics by ACTUP. Jesse Daniels had this to say:

What Dan Savage and other privileged white gay men fail to understand is the way one struggle is connected to another[.] [...] uch an analysis makes visible the white privilege that still adheres to the lives of LGBT folks like Savage.

But I find June Thomas's attitude troubling. Why did it take you this long to realize that he is unhealthily obsessed with attacking closeted gay conservatives? Did it ever occur to you that someone who attacks gays -- even closeted ones -- year after year in the New York Times might be a tad bit homophobic himself?snip
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Wow, just saw Dan Savage on a clip on Hannity.

So sought out that great encyclopedia wiki for a bio:


Daniel Keenan "Dan" Savage (born October 7, 1964)[2] is an American author, media pundit, journalist and newspaper editor.[3][4] Savage writes the internationally syndicated relationship and sex advice column Savage Love. Its tone is frank in its discussion of sexuality, often humorous, and hostile to social conservatives, as in the Santorum controversy regarding homosexuality. Savage, who is gay, has often been the subject of controversy regarding some of his opinions that pointedly clash with cultural conservatives and those put forth by what Savage has been known to call the "gay establishment". He has also worked as a theater director, both under his real name and under the name Keenan Hollahan, using his middle name and his grandmother's maiden name.[5] In 2010, Savage and his husband Terry Miller began the It Gets Better Project to help prevent suicide among LGBT youth.


Dan Savage was born to William and Judy Savage in Chicago, Illinois.[6] He is of Irish ancestry.[7] The third of four children,[6] Savage was raised as a Roman Catholic and attended Quigley Preparatory Seminary North, which he has described as "a Catholic high school in Chicago for boys thinking of becoming priests."[8] Though Savage has stated that he is now "a wishy-washy agnostic" and an atheist,[9] he has said that he still considers himself "culturally Catholic.

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