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The Bitter Fruit of Caylee's Death


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American Thinker:

The entire time Casey Anthony was on trial, the voices in the media pontificating about justice for the victim didn't seem to notice the hypocrisy of a group that gives its approbation for the slaughter of thousands every day demanding justice for the wrong suffered by two-year-old Caylee Anthony.

Even still, few would argue that the senseless death of a helpless tot isn't heartrending. However, the larger heartbreak is that in a nation that has faithfully sown the culture of death; the idea of a mother wanting to be free from responsibility by taking the life of her offspring is not all that far-fetched.

Whether America believes Casey Anthony is guilty or not is not the issue. The issue is that no one is totally convinced she didn't. Most believe Casey dumped the body of her dead child in a swamp and then for 31 days partied and treated herself to a "Beautiful Life" tattoo while her tiny daughter was decomposing inside a plastic bag.

A mother doing such a thing shouldn't be surprising, because under the auspices of a woman's right to "privacy" in 1973, with the ruling in Roe v. Wade, child murder officially became legal in America. Over the next three decades, developing fetuses were reduced to less than human and women were convinced that disposing of unwanted offspring is a commendable goal.

Lest we forget, the value of life in America has been reduced to this motto: "Every child a wanted child." Clearly, Caylee was unwanted by someone and if Casey took her daughter's life, she's no different from women who justify a similar decision as being nothing more than an exercise in "reproductive rights."

For almost 40 years, in sterile environments and with the approbation of the United States legal system, millions of little Caylees have lost their lives. The only difference between 60 million aborted babies and a little girl with brown curls from Orlando, Florida is that for at least a couple of years Caylee got the chance to color, wear a baseball cap, and swim with Grandma in the family pool.

If Casey Anthony actually did kill her daughter, she joined the ranks of 98% of the women who choose to abort their unborn children for the sake of convenience. If guilty of the crime for which she was acquitted, single party girl Casey did nothing more than take a little longer to make up her mind about how and when to buy personal freedom in exchange for the life of her child.snip
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