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Interview of Ann Coulter re her new book "Demonic"


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Written By : John Hawkins

Ann Coulter’s new book is called Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America. I’ve read it, it’s outstanding, and I’d highly recommend that you read it, too. To give you a taste of what it’s like, here’s RWN’s seventh interview with Ann Coulter. Enjoy!

In the book, you described Jon Stewart’s audience as “idiots” “who don’t get all the jokes, but know who they’re supposed to hate.” So, what do you think of Jon Stewart?

I was a big Jon Stewart fan until I learned that he once shared a summer house with Anthony Weiner. Now I just think he’s dirty.

Here’s a quote from the book, “To be fair to O’Reilly, which he wouldn’t be to me, he was joking.” Why do you say Bill O’Reilly wouldn’t be fair to you?

Because he’s not always fair to me. So mostly based on that.

Marie Antoinette is often portrayed as a cruel, heartless woman who arrogantly mocked starving peasants by suggesting they eat cake. You say that’s not so at all. Tell us a bit about Marie Antoinette.

She was the Sarah Palin of her day, completely misrepresented by historians and the media, as my book demonstrates. For example, it has gone down in history that Antoinette said of starving French peasants, “Let them eat cake!” – a line invented by the narcissistic atheist Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Similarly, it has gone down in history that Palin said, “I can see Russia from my house!” – a line invented by the narcissistic atheist Tina Fey.
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