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Obama’s Green Priorities


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Front Page Magazine:

Our country is in sorry condition. But not to worry.

Our president and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have launched a series of “listening sessions” to gather input from communities for “the nation’s first comprehensive ocean policy.” America can be thankful that Barack Obama and his EPA have such a keen sense of the country’s priorities.

Forget about Libya, Afghanistan, nukes in Iran, debts to China, potential attacks on Israel. Put aside the budget deficit, historic national debt, disgraceful unemployment, and the collapse in housing.

The National Ocean Council, with representatives from virtually every department of the federal government, plus our invaluable vice president, will host “listening sessions” from communities “that depend on and care for our ocean, coasts, and Great Lakes.” Then “strategic action plans” will be developed.

Why should our government listen to prominent economists such as Harvard’s Martin Feldstein. That worry wart writes: “The country’s economic growth during the coming year will be sub par at best, leaving high or rising levels of unemployment and underemployment.” Feldstein wrote in the June 8 Wall Street Journal: “The economy is even worse than we think.”snip
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