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Poll: Stepping On A Rusty Nail Now More Popular Than Congress, Approval Rating Hits Five-Year Low, 8%…


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A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that only eight percent (8%) of Likely U.S. Voters think Congress is doing a good or excellent job. Fifty-two percent (52%) rate Congress’ performance as poor.

From January 2007 through December 2010, with Democrats in control of both the House and Senate, the legislature earned good or excellent marks ranging from nine percent (9%) to 26%, although generally their rankings were in the low teens for most of this period. This trend continued through the early months of this year after Republicans regained control of the House, but Congress’ positive ratings fell to nine percent (9%) in April and May.

Keep Reading @ Rasmussen

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My favorite finding from Rasmussen (too bad it is so low)


"Sixty-three percent (63%) of voters do not believe Congress has passed any legislation that will significantly improve the quality of life,"

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My favorite finding from Rasmussen (too bad it is so low)


"Sixty-three percent (63%) of voters do not believe Congress has passed any legislation that will significantly improve the quality of life,"

shoutPepper! What comes with that is equally scary:


Thirteen percent (13%) disagree. Twenty-four percent (24%) are not sure.


Who are these people & has anyone checked to see if they're still breathing?


Space aliens.....like AlGoreManBearPig?

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