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Our Reactionary President


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Barack Obama is the most reactionary president in the recent history of the United States. Obama seems intent on turning back the clock to the good old days of the 1960s and 1970s, when rigid political orthodoxy, not an open mind, once guided government.

Take the economy. The 1980s implosion of communism in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union proved that state control of the means of production guaranteed poverty and worse. The current insolvent and fragmenting European Union, and the stagnant economics of the exploding Middle East, remind us that state socialism does not work.

Why, then, would Obama, in horse-and-buggy fashion, go back to such fossilized concepts as absorbing the nation's health care system, increasing the federal government's role in the economy by taking over automobile corporations, borrowing $5 trillion to spend on new entitlements, or proposing an array of much higher taxes -- all in a vain effort to ensure an equality of result?

Almost every key indicator of the current economy -- unemployment, deficits, housing, energy -- argues that Obama's reactionary all-powerful statist approach has only made things far worse.

In a bygone era without full workers' compensation, unemployment insurance and overtime pay, big unions ran the United States. Today less than 7 percent of Americans belong to them.snip
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Very interesting (and to some a controversial and inflammatory article).

These thoughts of VDH jump out at me:

Obama seems intent on turning back the clock to the good old days of the 1960s and 1970s, when rigid political orthodoxy, not an open mind, once guided government.

Instead, Barack Obama proved to be an old-fashioned reactionary. He hoped to change things back to the politically correct 1960s and 1970s way of doing things -- whether it ever worked or not.

It turns out that the U.S. may be the world's new Saudi Arabia when it comes to known reserves of all forms of gas, oil and coal. As our president still harps on solar panels and windmills, private enterprise on its own is exploring new ways of powering industries, homes and cars with cheap and plentiful natural gas -- hoping to free us from dependence on OPEC.

On illegal immigration, the president sounds like he's a calcified relic from the 1960s, as he evokes the southern border in terms of civil rights and racial prejudice. Those blinders explain why he recently suggested that Latinos "punish" their supposed conservative "enemies," and quite falsely claimed that the border fence was completed, despite the wish of his Republican opponents supposedly to add moats and alligators. All that rhetoric sounds like it came from a beads and bell-bottoms '60s campus activist, not the 21st century White House.


Almost every key indicator of the current economy -- unemployment, deficits, housing, energy -- argues that Obama's reactionary all-powerful statist approach has only made things far worse.


For several years I posted and sort of "debated"

with a brilliant economist and University professor on a totally different forum. - I think he would be labeled a political economist or a social behavioral economist because as a student of history he related Countries and their economies to customs and governmental forms.


Anyway he once said I was a "statist" about some idea I had about the government. I knew I was not but it shows how labels do not always define the total picture. I mean who woulda thunk that "Hope and Change we can believe in" has revealed itself in such non progressive ways.

Keynesian economics has once again attempted to explain in intellectual, theoretical jargon why unemployment won't right itself because there is just no demand for certain jobs -like being a robotic ATM machine. Outsourcing and automation have killed the O's No plan that is a plan.


Btw its interesting that The Chicago School of economics is famous for its being a free market fan.

"According to Milton Friedman and monetarists, market economies are inherently stable if left to themselves and depressions result only from government intervention."


So go figure.


Maybe certain other environmental/societal influences play a role in Chauncey's views and non education in the world of economics.

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He is either brilliantly destroying our country according to plan




blindly destroying our country because he doesn't have a clue


I am not sure which reason is the case but for sure he IS DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY and so many of us feel so helpless especially when we see others in leadership who aren't fighting hard enough to make a difference

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He is either brilliantly destroying our country according to plan




blindly destroying our country because he doesn't have a clue



Not that it matters one bit, but I really don't think there is a plan to destroy this nation. It's more a case of Obama and his ideological soulmates just don't like the America they see. They don't like people driving their big (needless so say EVIL) cars by themselves, having large lawns that they put so much pride in....etc...etc...etc. They truly believe they are smarter, better more caring people so they should be able to tell we the great unwashed how to live our lives.


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Not that it matters one bit, but I really don't think there is a plan to destroy this nation

It's more a case of Obama and his ideological soulmates just don't like the America they see.


Maybe not "a plan" but there are plans. Depends on one's definition of destroy too.


George Soros and his ilk -- stories (and their/his own words) are all over the place.


The socialist, communistic anti capitalist types of progressive reformers on the left that have had their intents known for a 100 years now. The histories and opinions are everywhere.

The humanistic faith's infiltration into the educational system for the last 100 years. Remember the Humanist Manifestos I, II and III?


The mentality of a large portion of our Nation converted into the nanny welfare state. The rise of the "mob" mentality. The decay and moral decline of society.


The exalting of science and intellect over God and the Bible that has escalated rapidly. Government replaces God.


The rise of fanatical "religion."


The movement to have a "living Constitution" to replace the old outdated one.


The Saul Alinsky methods are the new bible for politicians like Hillary, the O and scores of others.


Finally political correctness in every area of life that threatens to kill us all.


Evil is afoot. Whether a written down plan or not --the plans are there. The plan is there.

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Not that it matters one bit, but I really don't think there is a plan to destroy this nation

It's more a case of Obama and his ideological soulmates just don't like the America they see.


Maybe not "a plan" but there are plans. Depends on one's definition of destroy too.


George Soros and his ilk -- stories (and their/his own words) are all over the place.


The socialist, communistic anti capitalist types of progressive reformers on the left that have had their intents known for a 100 years now. The histories and opinions are everywhere.

The humanistic faith's infiltration into the educational system for the last 100 years. Remember the Humanist Manifestos I, II and III?


The mentality of a large portion of our Nation converted into the nanny welfare state. The rise of the "mob" mentality. The decay and moral decline of society.


The exalting of science and intellect over God and the Bible that has escalated rapidly. Government replaces God.


The rise of fanatical "religion."


The movement to have a "living Constitution" to replace the old outdated one.


The Saul Alinsky methods are the new bible for politicians like Hillary, the O and scores of others.


Finally political correctness in every area of life that threatens to kill us all.


Evil is afoot. Whether a written down plan or not --the plans are there. The plan is there.



What I was referring to was the meme that Obama is deliberately trying to destroy America. I don't believe he is deliberately trying to destroy America. It should also be said I believe his plans for America change America in a fundamental way...and that's not a good thing.

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