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New York Constituents Call for Rep. Weiner to Resign


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Fox News:

NEW YORK – Foes and supporters of embattled Rep. Anthony Weiner yelled at each other in front of the New York Democrat's district office on Sunday as congressional leaders called on Weiner to resign amid a sexting scandal.

"He's not fit to be our congressman," said Jim Scott, 61, one of about two dozen constituents who rallied in front of Weiner's office in the Kew Gardens section of Queens. "People are sick of him, especially his attitude."

Weiner said Saturday that instead of resigning over the scandal, he was seeking professional treatment and asking for a leave of absence from Congress.

Scott held a sign that said: "Weiner must resign today, today! Rehab tomorrow."

Robert Holden of the Juniper Park Civic Association in Queens said Weiner could not be an effective leader with his reputation in tatters.

"Our congressman unfortunately has become a laughingstock of the nation," said Holden, 47. "He should resign."

Half a dozen Weiner supporters gathered a few yards away.

James Sideris held up a sign saying, "Weiner Should Not Quit!" He quickly got into a shouting match with Weiner opponents.

College student Olivia Lurrie, 18, said Weiner was a good leader who made a mistake. She argued with Len Santoro, a 40-year-old information technology worker who said it was impossible for anyone to take the congressman seriously now.

"It doesn't matter if I agree with him on the issues," Santoro said. "He can't lead."

It seems support for Weiner is coming up a bit, um, short, shall we say...
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