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David Brock on Jill Abramson: No comment


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Daily Caller:

The news media matters so much to David Brock, he hired an army of petulant liberals to analyze every story, blog post and tweet, and every minute of radio and television, for even the slightest whiff of right wing bias.

He’s so concerned about it, his organization, Media Matters for America, scours the Internet for scandals like this one: “right-wing media have seized on President Obama’s use of the incorrect date when signing the Westminster Abbey guest book to claim that Obama has had ‘too much Guinness’ during his trip.” Those conservatives were probably joking, but still, the outrage!

On one major media development, however, Brock has nothing to say.

Thursday, Jill Abramson was promoted to executive editor at the New York Times, the top position at the newspaper and one of the most important jobs in journalism.

The Daily Caller asked if Brock had any comment. “Unfortunately, he can’t do it. Maybe next time?” Jess Levin of Media Matters wrote via email.

Perhaps part of the explanation for his sudden reluctance to comment is that Brock and Abramson feuded bitterly in the 1990s over the nomination of Clarence Thomas and accusations by Thomas’s former colleague Anita Hill that Thomas sexually harassed her.

Brock famously described Hill as “a bit nutty, and a bit slutty” in the American Spectator and wrote a book, “The Real Anita Hill,” attacking her credibility.

Abramson – with coauthor Jane Mayer – savaged Brock’s reporting in the New Yorker, then wrote a book together, “Strange Justice,” defending Hill.snip
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