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How to Win Payoffs and Intimidate Enemies in Obama's America


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American Thinker:

Some recent stories instruct us anew on the cardinal tenets of Obamanomics, a.k.a, pay for play the Chicago way.
Consider first the story reviewing the rush of organizations to get exemptions from Obamacare. So far, nearly 1,400 different entities (businesses, unions, insurers, and state and local governments), covering over three million people, have been given exemptions from the bill by Obama's HHS Secretary Sebelius, and those waivers have a disturbing pattern.

The Obama regime clearly played the crony capitalist card in granting these waivers. While unions represent only a small portion of the workforce (12% overall, and a trivial 7% of all private industry employees), they gave over $400 million in the 2008 election cycle to elect Democrats (especially Obama), and they have been rewarded with over half of all the waivers given out so far. Put another way, if you are a member of a union that puts cash into Obama's campaign coffers, you are four times more likely than the average citizen to get an exemption from the very law your corrupt, rent-seeking organization helped inflict upon an unwilling public in the first place.

Moreover, last month alone saw the Obama regime grant nearly forty exemptions to various tony nightclubs, restaurants, and hotels in Nancy Pelosi's district. How ironic can you get: Pelosi was the loopy leftist shrew who jammed the law through the House of Representatives, cackling that we had to pass the damn thing in order to find out what was in it. Apparently even she didn't know what was in it, or maybe just her constituents didn't know.snip
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