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Medicare: The latest round in the great American healthcare fight


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The Hill:

The latest round of the great American healthcare fight centers on whether the private sector can save Medicare.

Both parties agree the entitlement program faces a financial crisis and needs to be fixed, but while the House GOP budget written by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) relies on market competition to do so, Democrats say this would ruin the program.

Neither side is showing any signs of giving in, even with an upswing of GOP angst after the party’s surprising loss of a House seat in New York, where Democrats accused the Republican candidate of siding with Ryan.

The victory has left Democrats vowing to hammer away at the controversial plan throughout the 2012 campaigns, which they hope will allow them to retain the White House and Senate and regain the House majority.
Ryan and other Republicans, on the other hand, say their message was distorted and demagogued, and that when people understand what the Ryan plan will actually do for the national healthcare system, they will be supportive.

Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Friday said Medicare reform would remain a part of the discussions on reducing deficits.snip
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