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National Review:

Though I warned two weeks ago about the possibility of a Republican loss in NY-26, I’m not sorry that Democrat Kathy Hochul’s deceptive, demagogic resort to Mediscare succeeded. After May 24, no Republican can fail to anticipate the contours of the 2012 election. They’d best pay attention.

The New York loss may yield even more dividends. It may induce a certain complacency among Democrats. Rep. Steve Israel (D., N.Y.), chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, crowed, “Today, the Republican plan to end Medicare cost Republicans $3.4 million and a seat in Congress. And this is only the first seat . . . We served notice to the Republicans that we will fight them anywhere in America when it comes to defending and strengthening Medicare.” Liberal columnist E. J. Dionne noted with satisfaction that “this is a big setback for Paul Ryan’s budget and a warning for Republican incumbents everywhere.” And Senate majority leader Harry Reid, eager to wring every partisan drop from the special-election results, scheduled a rushed vote on the Ryan budget. It failed 57–40 in the Democrat-majority chamber. A number of Republicans, including Scott Brown, Lisa Murkowski, and the ladies from Maine voted with the Democrats. (Rand Paul also voted against the Ryan budget — believing it to be too timid.)snip
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