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Why Not Herman Cain?


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Pajamas Media:

The word on the street among the right’s intelligentsia and punditocracy is that Herman Cain cannot, should not, and will not be the Republican nominee for president in 2012.


Now, dear readers, those “never-will-happen,” 100%-certain predictions made by mere mortals — and there seem to be more and more of them these days — just remind me of weatherman goofs.

You know what I’m talking about. “There’s a 0% chance of rain here today”; it’s raining cats and dogs right out your window. “There’s a 100% ‘probability’ that this hurricane will hit the east coast of Florida by evening tomorrow”; hurricane fill-in-the-blank hits west coast of Florida where all the east coast residents have been moved during evacuations.

Weather is a far more exact science, however, than predicting human behavior.

And one would really need to be a ninny living under a rock in the San Fran Bay not to know by now that we have entered a new era in American politics, where the unpredictable, unlikely, unforeseen anomaly is becoming a new rule of sorts.

The triumph of Barack Obama against one of the most far-reaching, most powerful political machines in American history — the Clintons — ought to have awoken political insiders to the new reality. But if they were sound sleepers, then the rise of the middle-class, grassroots tea party movement ought to have been like a million roosters crowing at dawn, enough to awaken all but the dead-as-doornails beltway folks. Nothing — absolutely nothing — in American politics is predictable using the old rule book. Not anymore.

So when a proven American businessman like Herman Cain arises and runs for president, dissing his chances is downright dimwitted. If the politicos are right and 2012 will be all “It’s the economy stupid,” then the voice of exemplary free-enterprise success might be the most appealing one in a room full of nothing else but polished, professional, mealy-mouthed politicians.

In the first Republican presidential debate last week, Cain blasted out the response that should have been headline news from coast to coast. When asked about his nonexistent public-office resume — and how he might win the presidency having never won an election — Cain quickly and authoritatively parried: “Everyone in Washington has held public office before. How’s that working out for you?” A slam dunk, if there ever was one.

I would not ever want to be caught in a woodshed facing off against Herman Cain.snip
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A Cain-Obama debate would indeed be something to watch!

Love it.

As far as I'm concerned, Mr. Cain is the real deal.

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A Cain-Obama debate would indeed be something to watch!

Love it.

As far as I'm concerned, Mr. Cain is the real deal.



Why Not indeed.






News Max: Cain to Announce Decision on Prez Run Saturday

12 May 2011 02:13 PM

By Dan Weil


Likely Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain is scheduled to give an address announcing whether he will run Saturday in Atlanta’s Olympic Centennial Park, his presidential exploratory committee announced.




Cain recently placed second in a Zogby poll of Republican voters asking whom they support for president.




There was a caller on Bill Bennetts show this morning who summed it up quite nicely....Any of the Republicans would make a better President than the one we have now.

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