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White House Insider: Obama Hesitated – Panetta Issued Order to Kill Osama Bin Laden


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A: Nothing changed with the president’s opinion – he continued to avoid having one. Every time military and intelligence officials appeared to make progress in forming a position, Jarrett would intervene and the stalling would begin again. Hillary started the ball really rolling as far as pressuring Obama began, but it was Panetta and Petraeus who ultimately pushed Obama to finally act – sort of. Panetta was receiving significant reports from both his direct CIA sources, as well as Petraeus-originating Intel. Petraeus was threatening to act on his own via a bombing attack. Panetta reported back to the president that a bombing of the compound would result in successful killing of Osama Bin Laden, and little risk to American lives. Initially, as he had done before, the president indicated a willingness to act. But once again, Jarrett intervened, convincing the president that innocent Pakistani lives could be lost in such a bombing attack, and Obama would be left attempting to explain Panetta’s failed policy. Again Obama hesitated – this time openly delaying further meetings to discuss the issue with Panetta. A brief meeting was held at this time with other officials, including Secretary Gates and members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, but Gates, like Panetta, was unable to push the president to act. It was at this time that Gates indicated to certain Pentagon officials that he may resign earlier than originally indicated – he was that frustrated. Both Panetta and Clinton convinced him to stay on and see the operation through.

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God help us get him out! He'd tweaked about popping Osama.....what would happen if someone nukes us?


China is howling. Iran, North Korea......



Edited to add: God bless Leon Panetta.


Edited again to apologize to Ghost! for replying to Geee! Sorry!

Edited by SrWoodchuck
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He was a complete 100% hindrance to the mission...

a clear and present danger to the security of this nation.

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If this account is accurate, Panetta has a bigger pair than I would have given him credit for. Thank goodness!

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My question is: Who's really POTUS, Obambi or Valerie Jarrett?


If Panetta, Gates and Her Heinousness had to go behind their backs to order the raid, Obambi's boost in the polls will be even shorter than expected. BTW: kudos to Dubya for not giving The Chosen One the satisfaction of trying to exploit and badmouth him in his face at Ground Zero tomorrow.

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shoutAcerimmer, shoutNickydog


It is not so much WHO is running the country, it should be obvious to all but the most rabidly indoctrinated that it clearly is NOT Obama.

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The "Insider" has long insinuated that Jarrett is running the Country. While I would not be at all surprised the Insider concerns me. I did a lot of research on him- well, at least as much as I could google. Many feel that the guy who was getting the info from the Insider about the scandal that was to bring down the O and the WH a few months back (didn't happen) was the Insider talking to himself and writing fiction. Some say it is a guy who is a Republican. Yada Yada


I DO NOT KNOW. Have no idea. But.... I hope it is all true

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The "Insider" has long insinuated that Jarrett is running the Country. While I would not be at all surprised the Insider concerns me. I did a lot of research on him- well, at least as much as I could google. Many feel that the guy who was getting the info from the Insider about the scandal that was to bring down the O and the WH a few months back (didn't happen) was the Insider talking to himself and writing fiction. Some say it is a guy who is a Republican. Yada Yada


I DO NOT KNOW. Have no idea. But.... I hope it is all true


Strange that no one else picks up on his 'stories'. I think he is a fraud. No proof, but just an opinion.


Found this via Google:


Pam Geller and the Ulsterman


Charles Johnson draws attention to a new post by Pamela Geller, in which she cites a website that claims that Osama bin Laden only met his end because the military overrode the wishes of the President: “it appears Obama had to be dragged kicking and screaming to the OBL operation”, she tells her readers. Johnson notes:

Her source for this ridiculous rant? A site called “NewsFlavor” (it has the flavor of news without all those fattening facts), featuring unprofessional “articles” written by anonymous Internet non-entities. This article is credited only to “Ulsterman.”


Stay tuned, because the killing of Osama bin Laden has motivated Geller to plumb new depths of bad craziness. I have a feeling she’s just getting warmed up.


“Ulsterman” has been posting online for several months; he purports to be receiving information from a “White House Insider” (or “Deep Thoat 2″), and his “scoops” have included “Obama Battling Severe Depression” and the like, written in breathlessly polemical style (he’s also a birther, naturally). However, “Ulsterman” has been debunked as a hoax for months; this blog documents fake sources and names that have appeared in “Ulsterman’s” articles on a range of other subjects.





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Kevin at Hillbuzz which has gone from Democrat Hillary supporting to conservative (probably) Sarah Palin said sometime ago:

Dear Abraxas,


No. I don’t believe the “White House Insider” is real. It’s a narrative device the author, Ulsterman, uses to relate things that are mostly published here and there in other forms. There’s an 80/20 rule in play here…where 80% of what’s in those reports the author’s probably heard from various people in DC, who more likely than not read the stuff in columns like Lynn Sweet’s here in Chicago. The other 20% is educated guessing and embellishment.


There is no valid, real source I can imagine who would allow Ulsterman to do these write-ups of their conversations. For one thing, they are silly and stilted, and the “White House Insider” would not want to reveal information only to have it come to light in bad dialogue like this. The first time this was published like that, the source would dry up. If someone is going to risk being alienated from the Democrat Party, or worse, because he/she is spilling the beans like this, that person is going to want to be presented better than this.


That person would be doing this with a longstanding, professional, writer…not someone who crafts these little creative writing plays.


So, no, I don’t believe they are real, and I also no longer think they are all that interesting as their format is irritating to read. I do give the writer credit for captivating people. I know there are many people who enjoy reading them. There are also lots of people who enjoy tuning in to General Hospital every day. There’s nothing wrong with that, but that show’s neither “real” nor well-written either. It is just entertainment for people who like those particular stories.



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The "Insider" has long insinuated that Jarrett is running the Country. While I would not be at all surprised the Insider concerns me. I did a lot of research on him- well, at least as much as I could google. Many feel that the guy who was getting the info from the Insider about the scandal that was to bring down the O and the WH a few months back (didn't happen) was the Insider talking to himself and writing fiction. Some say it is a guy who is a Republican. Yada Yada


I DO NOT KNOW. Have no idea. But.... I hope it is all true


Strange that no one else picks up on his 'stories'. I think he is a fraud. No proof, but just an opinion.


Found this via Google:


Pam Geller and the Ulsterman


Charles Johnson draws attention to a new post by Pamela Geller, in which she cites a website that claims that Osama bin Laden only met his end because the military overrode the wishes of the President: “it appears Obama had to be dragged kicking and screaming to the OBL operation”, she tells her readers. Johnson notes:

Her source for this ridiculous rant? A site called “NewsFlavor” (it has the flavor of news without all those fattening facts), featuring unprofessional “articles” written by anonymous Internet non-entities. This article is credited only to “Ulsterman.”


Stay tuned, because the killing of Osama bin Laden has motivated Geller to plumb new depths of bad craziness. I have a feeling she’s just getting warmed up.


“Ulsterman” has been posting online for several months; he purports to be receiving information from a “White House Insider” (or “Deep Thoat 2″), and his “scoops” have included “Obama Battling Severe Depression” and the like, written in breathlessly polemical style (he’s also a birther, naturally). However, “Ulsterman” has been debunked as a hoax for months; this blog documents fake sources and names that have appeared in “Ulsterman’s” articles on a range of other subjects.





I would definitely believe the exact opposite of what the "Little Green Footballer," Mr.Charles Johnson, spews. I think Pam Gellar has credibility & courage.


What is the saying,"Where there's smoke.......there's more smoke?" I think Obama is a proven, pathological liar & hypocrite......that would do anything to make himself look better. Is he a towering intellect? A powerful speaker? A skilled negotiator & "light-bearer?" Or, is he the most manipulated marxist man-child to ever waste oxygen on the planet. If Ulsterman spins lovely stories about unraveling White House escapades....there's enough truth to the fables that I can believe them, based on what has been ably illustrated in fact over the last four to six years. When it comes down to it.........it isn't so much what the truth is, but what you can make others believe it is. That is the operating principle of the Hopey-Changers & it's also why we're in trouble now.

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".......it isn't so much what the truth is, but what you can make others believe it is."


Seems to be how Ulsterman feels too.

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".......it isn't so much what the truth is, but what you can make others believe it is."


Seems to be how Ulsterman feels too.

Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. I've seen very little from Obama that would indicate a reason for supporting his policies, and even less for the man himself. He does tell beautiful lies. If that's the case, does it benefit anyone to believe that he will change from what he's already illustrated by his actions. Pragmatism?

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