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The Politics of Envy


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American Thinker:

During the next 18 months, we can look for liberals to pull out all the stops on their hate campaign. The target is "the rich."

To generate hate, liberals will use an old device: envy.

Those who have not been as successful will be urged to hate the people who have worked hard to get an education, get a job, and master the job skills that get them promotion and raises. They have saved their earnings and provided for their retirement.

It will be difficult to hate them individually, because they are not the same people from year to year. More than half of those in the "rich" category are not there the following year.

Nevertheless, liberals will portray their hard earned wealth as ill-gotten gains, taken from some mysterious pile of wealth that in a world where "economic justice" reigned would be divided equally among all Americans. (See: Communism, 1917-1989.)

Barack Obama expressed this to Joe the Plumber as "when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."

They will say there are no jobs only because the wealthy don't want to create jobs. (Sheep who follow this line will not ask, "Why wouldn't businessmen want to make profits?" The shepherds count on that lack of critical thinking, which has been drilled subliminally into the sheep in government schools.)

With government debt at record levels and climbing, the nation's credit being downgraded and the economy still moribund, liberals insist everything is fine.

Obama ignores the recommendations of his own commission, and trashes the conservative plan put forth by Rep. Paul Ryan to trim $6 trillion in government spending.snip
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