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Donald Trump's Eminent-Domain Empire


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Don't be fooled by The Donald. Take it from one who knows: I'm a South Jersey gal who was raised on the outskirts of Atlantic City in the looming shadow of Trump's towers. All through my childhood, casino developers and government bureaucrats joined hands, raised taxes and made dazzling promises of urban renewal. Then we wised up to the eminent-domain thievery championed by our hometown faux free-marketeers.

America, it's time you wised up to Donald Trump's property redistribution racket, too.

Trump has been wooing conservative activists for months and flirting with a GOP presidential run -- first at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington and most recently at a tea party event in South Florida. He touts his business experience, "high aptitude" and "bragadocious" deal-making abilities. But he's no more a standard-bearer of conservative values, limited government and constitutional principles than the cast of "Jersey Shore."

Too many mega-developers like Trump have achieved success by using and abusing the government's ability to commandeer private property for purported "public use." Invoking the Fifth Amendment takings clause, real estate moguls, parking garage builders, mall developers and sports palace architects have colluded with elected officials to pull off legalized theft in the name of reducing "blight." Under eminent domain, the definition of "public purpose" has been stretched like Silly Putty to cover everything from roads and bridges to high-end retail stores, baseball stadiums and casinos.snip
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This Trump candidacy business is a Trojan Horse IMO.

The media (including Fox)and the Dems are inside steering this mammoth charlatan. He may care deeply about capitalism but so do we all.


Good article and good points.

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This Trump candidacy business is a Trojan Horse IMO.

The media (including Fox)and the Dems are inside steering this mammoth charlatan. He may care deeply about capitalism but so do we all.


Good article and good points.


I'm not fooled for a second by the Donald, but 1: I don't think he has any intention of running, because he'll get cut to shreds in the primaries for his various bankruptcies in the last 20 or so years; 2: he cares more about the attention than humiliation that will come when he falls on his face.


Finally, as I told Polly, he's soaking up the GOP spotlight, allowing the other candidates to fundraise and recruit campaign folks out of the LSM spotlight. Negative articles about Palin, Bachmann and the other REAL candidates have fallen off the screen since the LSM switched the spotlight to Obambi and Trump...

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AS long as Trump "serves his purpose", I say let's have more of it.

The only ones with any gumpshun to say what needs to be said are the women..for which I am eternally grateful.


It's good to hear a man, any man, trojan horse, wooden horse, hobbie horse or horse's ass, say what needs to be said.


Like I say, he "serves his purpose".


When that no longer is the case, off with his head.

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I gotta agree. I'm pro-Donald, at least what Donald's doing. I don't want him to be Prez, but he is serving a purpose that meets our needs. Put it on the table.

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