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Redistributing from the 'Have Nots' to the 'Haves'


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American Thinker:

So, you thought all redistribution programs were created equal. Think again. For the Democrats, the budget battles in the states are not about establishing financial integrity for America. They are about establishing raw Democratic Party power and control over every level of government in America.

During the 2008 campaign, candidate Obama had the famous off-teleprompter exchange with "Joe the plumber" (Joe Wurzelbacher). Letting his guard down, Obama said he wanted to "spread the wealth around."

Redistributing wealth usually means government taking (stealing?) money from the "rich" and giving it to the "poor." The government becomes Robin Hood. The events in Wisconsin, and many other states, have shed new light on the government as Robin Hood theme, however.

The Democratic Party and their union co-conspirators have been running a scam that takes the tax payments of the "have nots" and redistributes them to the "haves." Yes, that's right. The "haves" are actually being subsidized by the "have nots." Bye, bye, Robin Hood.

Just who are these "haves"? They are the 22.5 million public sector employees of city, county, state and federal government. These are individuals who have close to life-time employment, pay that is often twice the level of an equivalent private sector employee, generous sick leave, annual leave, annual cost of living increases (even during recessions), great pension benefits, and health care benefits that private sector employees can only dream about.

The "have nots" are the private sector employees who pay the taxes that subsidize the public sector employees. Private sector employees lack job security, wages that can be half that of equivalent public sector jobs, limited or no sick leave, limited annual leave, limited cost of living increases, limited pension benefits, and partially paid health care benefits.snip
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