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Trump Sends Investigators to Hawaii, Gains in GOP Presidential Primary Poll


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FOX News:

Real estate tycoon Donald Trump said Thursday he has real doubts about whether President Obama was born in the United States and has sent investigators to Hawaii looking for answers.

The "Celebrity Apprentice" star has shot up in the polls as a potential GOP nominee, in part on his questions about whether Obama is constitutionally allowed to be president if he doesn't prove he is a natural born citizen of the United States.

"I have people that actually have been studying it and they cannot believe what they're finding," Trump told NBC's "Today" show on Thursday. :snip:
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There is a link to the video of Trump on Today at http://xrl.in/8qt3.



RUSH: I know some of you people in this audience don't like Trump, but he went to the Today Show today and he dropped a stink bomb on poor old Meredith Vieira. She didn't know what to do with this. This was just amazing. We've got the audio. During a discussion about Obama's birth certificate, Meredith Vieira said, "In the state of Hawaii, they say they have seen this document, that he was born in the United States. That's good enough for them."


TRUMP: A birth certificate is not even close. A certificate of live birth is not even signed by anybody. I saw his -- I read it very carefully. It doesn't have a serial number. It doesn't have a signature. He spent $2 million in legal fees trying to get away from this issue, and if he weren't lying, why wouldn't he just solve it? I wish he would because if he doesn't it's one of the greatest scams in the history of politics and in history, period.


RUSH: That's true. If Obama was not born here, this is a huge scam. Not just in politics, but one of the greatest scams ever. Meredith Vieira, by the way, is leaving NBC. She's leaving the Today Show, and she might be leaving Who Wants to be a Millionaire. She hosts that game show. She came back at Trump and she said, "You have people in Hawaii searching this?"


TRUMP: They cannot believe what they're finding. I would like to have him show his birth certificate. Can I be honest with you? I hope he can. Because if he can't, if he can't, and if he wasn't born in this country, which is a real possibility -- I'm not saying it happened. I'm saying it's a real possibility, much greater than I thought two or three weeks ago -- then he has pulled one of the great cons in the history of politics, and beyond.


RUSH: You shoulda seen Meredith Vieira. She doesn't know what to do with this. You know, she's from the State-Controlled Media that, there's no question here. She has never seen proof, she's like everybody else, she's not seen proof, she just knows it, everybody else in her circle knows he was born in Hawaii, and here comes this guy Trump who has his own NBC show, they gotta be very careful here. What's Trump show, You're Fired? What is it? Oh, Celebrity Apprentice. So here he is, I mean as off the reservation as a State-Controlled Media apparatchik can possibly witness, she finally said, "You've criticized Obama quite a bit in this interview and in the past. What do you think he's done well?" I always used to get this question. When I deigned to go on these shows, "Is there anything nice you can say about Obama? Well, is there anything he's accomplished?" I always got a question like that. Here's what Trump said.


TRUMP: Get elected. I think he did a great job when he ran for office. If I had my choice of having Obama do great as a president and do a really great job for this country and not running, as opposed to running and doing -- I'd prefer that he did a great job. I love this country. But this country is going to hell. I would run a great, great country. This country will be great again. It is not great right now. We have huge deficits. We have huge unemployment. We have huge problems, and we're not respected. We're not respected in the world. The world laughs at us. They won't be laughing if I'm president.


RUSH: He's tackling this birth thing head on. I mean head on. And they can't say that Trump is part of the Tea Party. He's not there. I mean he's a marginal Republican in terms of the way people classify, but I mean nobody is out there tackling this the way he is. I actually think, by the way, that Trump is providing a blueprint here. The way to beat Obama 2012 is to just go at him. Everybody lives in this media-created fantasy that the guy's unbeatable, that he's the greatest orator in the world. You get him away from the prompter, I'm serious, and he's lost. He's a gaffe machine. He and Biden are in the same class, and it doesn't take long to call the roll.


There's a mythology that has been created about Obama that unnecessarily makes people afraid, and Trump is illustrating the way to do this, and Paul Ryan's budget, just go right after him. You just go right after him, instead of pussyfooting around, worrying about what the independents are gonna say or worried about what the people that pay attention to politics two days a year are gonna say, just go after it. Last night while appearing with the Reverend Sharpton in New York, Obama said that he stood by his record the past two years, said he is proud of what he's accomplished. Well, what is that? What has he accomplished? That's not an achievement. That is an albatross. Obamacare? What has he accomplished as president, except ruining the economy? Is that what he's proud of? The scary thing is it very well might be.

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He is either ineligible for some reason, hence the obfuscation or there is something so embarrassing on there that he has lived a lie for 20+ years and the Democrats have enabled him.


A simple requirement for all candidates for 2012 to produce the long firm COLB would suffice.



I think he was born in Hawaii, but I don't think Barack Obama Sr. is his dad.

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