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Why Did He Even Bother Running? Obama Leadership Vacuum Menaces Globe


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Canada Free Press:

Has any modern political figure ever squandered political goodwill in the manner of Obama—trading near messianic devotion from a hundred million for not even a cup of proverbial porridge in return? His political pratfalls occur only as often as he makes decisions. But even the most hardened Obama backers had to shudder and roll their eyes this week when Barack fixated on college basketball “brackets” instead of ongoing tragedy, chaos and the loss of tens of thousands. It became transparent—in a way in which only disasters bring clarity—that Obama is a boy amongst men, only haphazardly observing history’s progress the way a house cat mindlessly follows a fluttering object.

If we consider Obama a metaphorical Boy Scout attempting a merit badge for Government Service, this illustrates the sense of his hazy understanding of duty’s call. It would appear Barack mistook his “mandate” for Woody Allen’s observation—“Eighty percent of success is just showing up.” Bearing in mind Obama’s abused and lost childhood, spent in Pacific hinterlands with a Hippy-wack-mama and various Marxist father figures, we begin to plumb his psychic disfigurement. Add layers to the onion of leftist college pals, and decades of a vengeful Marxist pastor, and his orientation becomes crystal clear. Now, there is generally no harm in lacking any ability to lead. But in Barack’s case, it was immoral to run for president when he couldn’t even lead a bloodhound to a fresh plate of liver and onions.

Recent tragedies and conflicts utterly prove Obama’s wholesale lack of principle. The import is he is wholly unpredictable, and will only be directed by circumstance and self-advancement. If we account for his indifference to history, democracy, capitalism, and Christianity—then shoehorn-in issues of mental competency, it adds up to perhaps the worst presidency in US history. We might only be one more simple crisis away from a total leadership implosion, given how Barack seems to lead less and less with each mounting disaster. In midst of one of history’s strongest earthquakes, an associated nuclear disaster, and political meltdown in Libya and across the Middle East, Obama reveals childish instincts to run and hide. He has all the enthusiasm of a hemophiliac at a knife-throwers convention. So we need to hit the reset button with 2 years left. That issue is the subject of this essay.snip
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Why Did He Even Bother Running?


? ? ?


The pay is pretty good, the perks are great, free housing,....etc. It should also be noted it's not like he was doing much before anyway...so why not.

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Why Did He Even Bother Running?


? ? ?


The pay is pretty good, the perks are great, free housing,....etc. It should also be noted it's not like he was doing much before anyway...so why not.

Ha. Pretty much says it all.

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He would be King.

What more powerful status positon in the world for one's ego than President of the United States!

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I continue to believe Obama is just a puppet. I continue to believe he was chosen by a powerful group of people as the perfect liberal candidate and then was groomed for this future life: community organizer, author, senator and then president--all of which took years. I would suppose he was promised that in the end he would be well taken care of and that the ultimate prize, the presidency, would give him everything he ever wanted. If you look at his presidency as the reward for all the years of grooming and waiting he 'endured,' then his attitude of being owed every golf game, sports activity, vacation and travel opportunity is understandable. And also his total disinterest in performing the required duties of his real job. He is just a boy who dutifully ate his peas and now gets the reward of spending his days at Disneyland, and has no sense that he should give his attention to anything going on outside his own personal protective bubble.


And by the way, I certainly wish Kelly O'Connell were able to tells us what he really thinks. :P:lol:

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@MissSummerDean "When I was young I was told that anyone could be president. Now I’m beginning to believe it."

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Stop blaming Obama for the military action in Libya! He's been away on vacation the entire time and not involved.

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