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Michelle's Healthy, Hunger-Free Menus


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American Thinker:

As part of the "Healthy, Hunger-free Kids Act of 2010" the White House released a "Before/After Elementary School Lunch Menu," with five typical "Before" (unhealthy) and five "After" (healthy) menus.

The Before menus have five stereotypical fast food entrées: burritos, hot dogs, pizza, pizza sticks and hamburgers (bad), but they also include a fair amount of healthy food: bananas, raisins, raw celery and carrots (1/8th cup each), applesauce, canned pineapple, etc.

The After menus are notable in their length: rather than three items plus milk, they typically have four items, plus milk and dips for the raw vegetables. One of the mission statements of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 seems to be that no crudité shall be consumed without low-fat ranch dip. Michelle must be a fan.

The protein servings in the After menus have been reduced to the minimum recommendation; the Before menus had 3 or 4 ounces of meat, while the After menus restrict the meat and fish servings to 1.5 to 2 ounces. (I wonder how many ribs that would be?) Combined with the milk serving, this provides around 20 grams of protein out of a daily recommendation of 28 grams, so it might be sufficient, assuming that dinner isn't a Ring Ding and a bag of Cheetos cheese flavored snacks. Still, one wonders why the "Hunger-free" act is cutting meat servings in half for elementary school students building strong minds and bodies.snip
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No. The humongous arse is genetic.


Same as cankles.


The arse can be reduced if the whole body reduces, but it will always be a prominent part of her body.


You're supposed to look at her toned arms, shoutEvad, not the back of her. ;)

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That calls to mind the unofficial motto of the US Congress: asinus asinum fricat



I believe I heard that from one of Zero's czars, Felonious Assaultous. :rolleyes:

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No. The humongous arse is genetic.


Same as cankles.


The arse can be reduced if the whole body reduces, but it will always be a prominent part of her body.


You're supposed to look at her toned arms, shoutEvad, not the back of her. ;)


I tried, but when I see her all I see is one humongous arse...no other parts.

I guess the civility training is not taking effect.

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I can hear a lone progressive voice murmuring, "Ego amo magnus asinus!"


This reeks of their long range "green" plans to remove meat from an omnivorous diet.....because our world can't sustain meat products & meat eaters.......shouldn't we all just eat an oat or a bean?


I know some of our wonderful members have a vegetarian lifestyle.....I applaud you.....I was a vegetarian for 6 months when I was 17 years old......but it's a choice for you that works, not a step on a progressive chart to a mandate.


Story: When my sons were younger & in elementary school, they would bring their friends home to "study" and play. One group of 3 brothers that they befriended, were from a "progressive" family [Mom was a school teacher/I didn't even know what a progressive was then] She forbid them to eat chips, popcorn & candy, drink pop or watch horror flicks. We had those snacks as a treat for special occasions [and bloody slice'n'dice'ems weren't our genre.] When they left, we had no chips, popcorn, cookies or pop left. They were a heathen horde.


This is, in a microcosm, what Moochele's programs are going to be like......mandated vegetarianism & pseudo-healthy lifestyle for the masses & waivers for the elite.


There's a place for meat......right next to the tater's & veggies.


Aaaaaaaaaah! It's..........Soylent Green!

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I can hear a lone progressive voice murmuring, "Ego amo magnus asinus!"


This reeks of their long range "green" plans to remove meat from an omnivorous diet.....because our world can't sustain meat products & meat eaters.......shouldn't we all just eat an oat or a bean?


I know some of our wonderful members have a vegetarian lifestyle.....I applaud you.....I was a vegetarian for 6 months when I was 17 years old......but it's a choice for you that works, not a step on a progressive chart to a mandate.


Story: When my sons were younger & in elementary school, they would bring their friends home to "study" and play. One group of 3 brothers that they befriended, were from a "progressive" family [Mom was a school teacher/I didn't even know what a progressive was then] She forbid them to eat chips, popcorn & candy, drink pop or watch horror flicks. We had those snacks as a treat for special occasions [and bloody slice'n'dice'ems weren't our genre.] When they left, we had no chips, popcorn, cookies or pop left. They were a heathen horde.


This is, in a microcosm, what Moochele's programs are going to be like......mandated vegetarianism & pseudo-healthy lifestyle for the masses & waivers for the elite.


There's a place for meat......right next to the tater's & veggies.


Aaaaaaaaaah! It's..........Soylent Green!


Well, as a vegetarian most of the time...I am FIRMLY in the "it's a choice" camp. I see Peta out there with signs it makes me want to go get a great big bucket of chicken and I don't even like it! :lol:


I was raised around some very, very sheltered and conservative lifestyle kids. The MINUTE they were out of their parents view, they went completely off the deep end.


All limits, must be internally motivated. I'll be honest. I don't disagree with many of Michelle's suggestions about eating. We should all eat more vegetables, healthier foods lower in bad fats and refined sugars and exercise more. All first ladies have had projects...the difference is that most are about education...not force and this smacks of central planning.


Edited to add: I think this was in the article...so I should have just said I agree with that part. :lol:

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Every First Lady has a project, yes. I guess this is "They ain't lernin' $#!@, but they'z eatin' good." Way to focus on the real problems in our schools.

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