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U.S. Arrests Saudi Man in Bomb Plot


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New York Times:

A 20-year-old Saudi student living in Texas has been arrested by federal agents, who charged him with planning to build bombs for terror attacks inside the United States, the Justice Department announced on Thursday.

According to an affidavit filed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the man, Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari, indicated in online research and in a journal that he was considering attacking the Dallas home of former President George W. Bush as well as hydroelectric dams, nuclear power plants, night clubs, and soldiers who were formerly stationed at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

Mr. Aldawsari, a business major at South Plains College in Lubbock, Texas, is in the United States legally on a student visa, the bureau said. He came to the government’s attention on Feb. 1, when a North Carolina supply company reported that he had tried to order five liters of a chemical that can be used to make an explosive. :snip:

Good thing a private company was on the ball.
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I had to check that this was actually a New York Slimes article. Unbelievable. Mostly straight news and only a brief mention of the "Tyrant" George Bush's, Dallas home.


I hope thay don't send him back to Shoddy Arabia for repatriation.....next stop Yemen.

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Janet will send him to Minnesota for taxi driving school, to join any Somali pirates we nab on the high seas. That'll show them.

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I wonder what could have driven him to do this?



As usual.....you've asked the 12th caliphate 64 thousand dollar question million man march dollar question!

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I wonder what could have driven him to do this?



As usual.....you've asked the 12th caliphate 64 thousand dollar question million man march dollar question!



I could be wrong but I wonder if Scott Walker's attempt to bust the teachers union could have caused this?

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Mr. Aldawsari, a business major at South Plains College in Lubbock, Texas


Hmmmmm... At least they didn't refer to him as The Most Honorable Mister Aldawsari.


I don't remember them being so deferential to the guy that their journalist just called "Bush" when he was in the White House.

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