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The ABCs of the Middle East Revolution


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Over the last month there has been an absolutely incredible amount of speculation over the chain of events unfolding in the Middle East that so far has toppled two governments and threatens many more. Were the protests spontaneous or planned in advance and who is behind them? These are just two of the many key questions pundits are scrambling to answer. The most important question, however, may be, what is the significance of these events for the United States?

After reading what seemed to be an endless stream of analysis by the multitude of prognosticators and so-called experts one clear thought emerges – every one of their interpretations reflects nothing more than their particular worldview. They are all clueless.

So here I offer another piece of speculation and assumption about the sequence of events that triggered the political wildfire raging across the Middle East with, more importantly, assumptions as to where it is heading.

As with all revolutions, it matters less who started it and why they did so than who is still standing at the end of the day. Seldom in history has the first post-revolution government endured. Aside from historians, who today remembers Kerensky or Robespierre? And how short was the shelf life of the Articles of Confederation?

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shoutCasino67 shoutSrWoodChuck


Let me save you the time on C-SPAN. Here's a recap.





"I am deeply concerned"


"let me be clear"


"let me be perfectly clear"


"I want to be perfectly clear"


"I stand with those who want Twitter"


"I condemn violence"


"Michelle wants to know who your fashion designer is"




Pres. Obama statement on anti-government protest in Libya LIVE on C-SPAN 5:15pm ET

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You forgot "we all need to sacrifice"...



Shouldn't that be from Michelle as in







" ..... Mmmffff, uh, yeah, you all need to sacrifice." ?

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You forgot "we all need to sacrifice"...



Shouldn't that be from Michelle as in







" ..... Mmmffff, uh, yeah, you all need to sacrifice." ?

That's not the PROTUS [Prime Rib Of The United States] because that's.......domestic beef.


If it was PROTUS, it would be $200.00 a pound Wagyu beef, with twenty dollar bills for crown bone caps.

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I clicked on CSPAN at 5:17 and he was already through talking. He must have started early, the first time in his life he was early.

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Luckily, I didn't have to turn it from Beck.....who commented that he waited 9 days for Libya comment, which is one day shorter than his Egyptian comments. Hey..............he's gettin' better.

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