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Fight over Wisconsin unions heats up


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Los Angeles Times:

Wisconsin Republicans on Monday turned up the heat on Democratic state senators who fled to Illinois last week to block passage of a controversial bill that would eliminate collective bargaining for most public employee unions.

Republican Gov. Scott Walker warned that if his proposal is not passed by Friday, the state could miss a chance to refinance bonds and save more than $100 million. To make up the gap, Walker said at an afternoon press conference, 1,500 state workers would have to be laid off. :snip:

Democrats dramatically fled the state Thursday, surfacing briefly at a conference center and water park in western Illinois, then scattering. Some senators left with little more than the clothes on their backs. Others came to Illinois equipped with clothes, toiletries and smart phones — Facebook- and Twitter-ready.

Since then, the senators have gone into survival mode in Illinois, doing small loads of laundry and eating "whatever we can get our hands on," said one senator.

Whatever they don't have, they buy — nothing on the state's dime, they insist — or they get from relatives and staff who trek across the border. :snip:

Oh please! These poor dem guys are roughing it. I can't believe they even put out this crap.

In the mean time I guess the Republicans have caved on passing the union stuff separately from the budget bill which they can do without the dems being present.... if they all agreed to do it.
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"It's just roughing it, like staying in a college dorm all over again," Coggs said. "It's sort of like being a refugee." :wallbash:

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Relax.......knowing Democraps, they're turning their underwear inside-out every day & washing their socks in the sink.


Although rats love cheese & they left Cheese Paradise behind.

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This reminds me of the 1979 "Killer Bees" incident in Texas when DEM legislators pulled a similar act.


Time article


Flight of the Killer Bees

It was one of the most celebrated man hunts in the history of the state. As many as 50 lawmen, including members of the vaunted Texas Rangers, combed the countryside, scanning the sagebrush and cactus scrubland from helicopters, throwing up roadblocks, searching bars, and rummaging through seedy Mexican border towns. For five days the hunt went on while the twelve wily fugitives eluded the long, sweaty arm of the law, even though their mug shots were splashed all across the front pages of the state's newspapers.


Finally, after 102 hours of avoiding pursuers, the twelve last week turned themselves in—to the Texas state senate, whence they had fled the previous week.


The doughty dozen were all state senators who had taken off in an elaborate ploy to block a controversial bill about a state presidential primary.


Backed by Lieutenant Governor William Hobby, 47, a conservative Democrat, the proposal would have established the presidential primary on March 11, 1980.


One aim was to give ex-Governor John Connally a chance to win early and big in the 1980 primary season and thus get a boost toward capturing the Republican nomination.

All liberal-to-moderate Democrats, the twelve senators had blocked legislation and opposed Hobby so often in the past that he had dubbed them "the Killer Bees." snip


This was big news on radio and TV in Texas at the time. A friend's daughter heard a report and ran crying to her mom... scared that there were killer bees running loose and nobody knew where they were!

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The "protesters" were screaming today that the Governor was blocking a liberal union website earlier today from being accessed in the capitol building. Trying to make it sound like Egypt. Turns out the website was brand new as of yesterday and the filters used in the network there block websites unless on a "good" nationwide white list or until someone actively lets them thru.

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Governor Walker has scheduled a live "fireside chat" for tonight at 6:00 local time to discuss the budget.



Who is setting the fire? SEIU or Teamsters? The teamsters are sending "professional delegates" to Wisconsin.


SEIU "Big Purple" buses rolled into Denver Colorado today for a sympathy protest @ noon on the steps of the State Capitol. Sweet Eileen was ordered to attend; by her union.


When they "robo-called," I answered, and after the spiel, they offered to put us on their "do-not-call" list if I pressed "3"......and when I pressed "3" it said,"....that is not a correct option" and started the spiel over.


GO [away] Big Purple--------------------SEIU!


GO [away] Big Black & Blue-----------------------------Teamsters!



"Dick" Trumpka, "I call the White House every day, and visit there a couple of times a week!" [h/t: WeazelZippers]

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Governor Walker has scheduled a live "fireside chat" for tonight at 6:00 local time to discuss the budget.



Who is setting the fire? SEIU or Teamsters? The teamsters are sending "professional delegates" to Wisconsin.


SEIU "Big Purple" buses rolled into Denver Colorado today for a sympathy protest @ noon on the steps of the State Capitol. Sweet Eileen was ordered to attend; by her union.


When they "robo-called," I answered, and after the spiel, they offered to put us on their "do-not-call" list if I pressed "3"......and when I pressed "3" it said,"....that is not a correct option" and started the spiel over.


GO [away] Big Purple--------------------SEIU!


GO [away] Big Black & Blue-----------------------------Teamsters!



"Dick" Trumpka, "I call the White House every day, and visit there a couple of times a week!" [h/t: WeazelZippers]


I'm trying to think up a nasty way to blitz SEIU phone lines with robocalls that will not allow them to take themselves off the call list, while ordering them to rally for Gov. Walker. B)

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Watching the governor now............


Thanks government workers who showed up for work today.....


Understands concerns....


Not all rights come from collective bargaining...........but thru the civil service system....


Bill not aimed at state workers or unions.....not ALL collective bargaining eliminated.........


Legislation is about BALANCING THE BUDGET & protecting Wisconsin taxpayers & small business owners. Quotes letters from various people in support of bill....workers, teachers, etc.

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More from Gov. Walker:


People across the state would "LOVE" the deal being offered to the unions (re: benefits etc.)


The system is broken...modest changes won't do it. Doesn't want lay-offs.


Doyle raised taxes on business 2 years ago.........billion $ tax increase.Walker wants to cut spending vs. raising taxes.


What we need is a commitment to the future.


Cites protestors coming in from other states. He won't allow them to drown out the voices of Wisconsinites who support the bill.


Calls on 'Rat senators to GET BACK TO WORK."YOU SHOULD BE HERE IN MADISON, RIGHT HERE IN THIS CAPITOL." Says they should come home and do their job.


(He sounds very articulate; no stumbles; no "ums"; very clear and concise.)


Frugality and moderation in government lead to freedom and prosperity for our people.


"Thank you very much for listening.May God bless you and your family, and may God continue to bless the great state of Wisconsin."



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