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Rally ’Round the Multi-Culti Flag, Boys


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National Review:

Let’s celebrate diversity by getting rid of it

In Hollywood we have a saying: “We’ve seen this movie before.” I realize you civilians have the same saying, but when we say it, it has an added ring of authority because we are Industry professionals and you are the fannies in the seats. Still, when you get right down to it, maybe we have all seen this movie before. Let’s call it No Way Out II: This Time, It’s Really, Really Personal.

In that movie — itself a re-imagining of The Big Clock, which was more or less about Henry Luce and Time Magazine, although nobody ever admitted it — Kevin Costner played a Russian mole inside the Pentagon, madly burrowing and beetling away as, in the guise of a home-grown naval officer, he seduces the Secretary of Defense’s mistress and steals Amerikkka’s defense secrets. Costner’s Tom Farrell is a character in that great tradition of American heels: the “friend” who’s busy both hollowing you out and selling you out, fitting you for the noose as he pretends to take the measurements for your inseam.snip
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