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Let There Be Light


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National Review:

FEBRUARY 14, 2011 4:00 A.M.
Let There Be Light
Freedom Action defends the incandescent light bulb.

In the beginning, Congress banned the incandescent light bulb.

And the people were without rest. Seventy-two percent believed the government had no right to dictate their lighting choices. And darkness covered the nation, as the ban’s effective date, Jan. 1, 2012, drew near.

And the people said, “Let there be light.” But will there be light?

If Freedom Action succeeds, there will. A political-advocacy group formed by members of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, FA recently launched a campaign to repeal the ban. Starting with an online petition, the group hopes to gather enough grassroots support to move legislation in Congress.
The ban is only the latest ham-handed attempt by the government to increase energy efficiency, says Myron Ebell, FA’s director. Over the years, the feds have fiddled with washing machines, air conditioners, and dishwashers. Luckily for FA, they’ve ticked off a lot of people in the process. Still, Ebell knows anger alone won’t guarantee success.

“After the low-flush toilet was mandated, there was this explosion of opposition to it, but it never got focused,” Ebell says. This time, he plans “to focus more of the public’s anger on Congress. We’re starting with the petition; then once we have people’s names, we will ask them to contact Congress. We’ll then start working on members.”

Indeed, they’ve got a head start. Rep. Joe Barton (R., Texas) has already introduced H.R. 91, the “Better Use of Light Bulbs” Act. Meanwhile, Sen. Mike Enzi (R., Wyo.) and Rep. Michael Burgess (R., Texas) are expected to introduce their own legislation soon.snip
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The "Better Use of Lightbulbs Act?" This is what we need to be working on?


One of the things! As Dennis Miller says: I haven't worked my entire adult life to have my living room lit like a fight scene in an Eastern Bloc stairwell.

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We've probably got 75 light fixtures, more than half on an automated dimming system. At night most lighting is dimmed very low except when you need it. Problem is won't work with florescent and only with some LED's (but don't like the look of light from them and very expensive). So we are sort of "screwed" (pun intended). Because of all the dimming we probably use less light than if we had the same number of florescents on full blast.

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I REFUSE to use one of those things. I brought one months ago by accident, put the thing in a lamp, hated the light effect it cast, took it right out and am now stuck with storing the mercury laden contents.

Government and General Electric should be ashamed that they keep using Edison's name while dising his memory with this green/carbonfootprint/money making scheme. :angry:


(aaahhhhbeen been wanting to vent for months :rolleyes: )

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